| seven |

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(Authors note: I didn't put a title on this one bc I didn't want to give any spoilers.)

Since El has been back it's been great. I love her so much. She's so great. I love being around her. I promised her the other day that I'd never let the Demogorgan take her again, and I'm gonna keep my promise. I can't let anything happen to her. I won't. I don't know what I'd do without her again. I was such a mess last time she left. I won't let it happen again.

Mike and El were going about their day and having an amazing time. They love to spend time together. They decided to go on a walk. Just to talk. They went to the woods, they went by the arcade, they went by and saw all the boys and then they came home. Mike made her some Eggos and they went down to the basement and watched a movie while El ate them. They were in the middle of their movie when all of the sudden, lights started flashing. All the lights were flickering on and off. El was terrified and Mike was worried.

"El don't worry, you're safe, I've got you." -Mike.
"Demogorgan." -El said shaking.
"No, El. Your gonna be fine. It's not gonna take you. I promise." -Mike.

All of the sudden everything went dark. Mike could hear El screaming. But he couldn't get to her. He couldn't find her. He wasn't gonna lose her again. Then a high pitched noise shot through the room. Mike couldn't hear anything. Then everything stopped. The lights went back to normal. The noise stopped. Everything stopped. But one thing was missing, El. Mike couldn't believe his eyes. He searched everywhere for her. He didn't know what to do.

"El?" -Mike screamed.
"EL?" He screamed again.
"Eleven?" -Mike said choking back tears.

He couldn't believe it. He lost her again. He promised he wouldn't let anything happen to her. He promised. He fell on the floor and cried. But no, he wasn't gonna give up that easily. He was gonna get her back.

"I'm getting you back El. I'm gonna do what ever I have to do. I'm going to the Upside Down. I'm going to find you." -Mike.

Mike grabbed a flashlight and walked out of the house. He headed straight for the portal in the tree in the woods. He didn't want to, but he'd do anything for El. He hopped in and ran everywhere to try and find her. He searched and searched. He went to the school. He went to the basement, the lab. He went everywhere he could think of. But no sign of El. He started to cry more and more while he walked. He was slowly losing hope.

He had been walking for a while when he became so tired and couldn't walk anymore. His flashlight was dead, he was weak, and he still didn't have El. He couldn't believe he broke his promise. She was gone for good. He thought he couldn't fight for her and get her back. But he couldn't. He just couldn't get her back this time. He fell down crying in the Upside Down, realizing he will never see El again and he might never see anyone else again if he can't get out.

"I can't believe I lost her. I can't believe I broke my promise. I'm so sorry El." -Mike said crying.

Just then, Mike woke up in tears. Right beside El. He had realized what just happened and kissed her on the forehead while she was still sleeping. He was so happy that he didn't lose her. He couldn't believe it. He went back to sleep with El in his arms.

It was all a dream.

| T H E E N D |

THAT WAS A PLOT TWIST. y'all probably hated me for a little bit there. Now so you see why I didn't put a title? Yeah. NO SPOILERS. Anyway thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Bye! Xoxo 😊

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