| twenty | movie night 🎞

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Tonight is the night. Mike and El's usual movie night. Every Friday night they take turns picking movies and watch them together. Just them. Well tonight was El's turn. Of course she picked her favorite, a princess movie. Mike disliked these types of movies but he'd watch anything for this girl that he loved so much.

They were half way through the movie when Mike felt a boost of confidence. He put his arm around El. El didn't know what this meant but she was happy about it. She loved him.

By the end of the movie, El was asleep on Mike's shoulder. But Mike didn't mind at all. He knew that they needed to go to sleep because it was late but he just didn't want to wake her. He loved being this close to her. He loved her.

After a while, Mike decided to just let her sleep. Right there on his shoulder. Soon enough Mike was asleep too, with his head on El's.

He woke up the next morning with his arm around El and El's head on his chest, not his shoulder. He was blushing so hard at this point and he didn't want to move but he knew if his mom caught them like this he'd never hear the end of it.

So he decided that it the best choice to wake her up.

"Hey, El?" -Mike.

"Huh?" -El said still half asleep.

"I think I need to go my room." -Mike.

"Why?" -El.

"Because if my mom sees us she'll be so mad." -Mike.

"Okay. I'm sorry." -El.

"Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything sweetheart." -Mike.

"Well can you stay then? Please?" -El.

Mike knew that he shouldn't but how could he say no to the beautiful girl that he adored to much.

"Yeah sure. Anything for you." -Mike.

"Yay. Thanks Mike." -El saying while laying back down on his chest.

"Of course babe." -Mike.

Mike didn't care about his mom any more. He just wanted to be right there with El. He knew he'd be in trouble but he didn't care.

He kissed her forehead before he went back to sleep. They both loved this feeling.

The both soon drifted off to sleep with the same thought in their heads.

"What a great movie night."

| T H E   E N D |

this was trash im sorry

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this was trash im sorry

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