| thirty two | i lost him.

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"this just isn't working out, el. i'm sorry.."

there el sat. in the middle of the cabin. thinking of what her boyfriend, excuse me, ex boyfreind just told her.

she went over to his house just hours before, just like she does everyday, excepting to see her happy boy.

but when she arrived she knew something was wrong. he wasn't acting the same.

"mike what's wrong?"
el said desperately.

no answer.

she said again.

mike said, zoning back in from the trance he was in.

"you're not acting right. what's wrong?"
el said worried that he wasn't okay.

"there's just a lot on my mind, that's all."
mike said.

"tell me about it. i'll listen."
el said.

"i.. i don't think me and you are working out anymore el.."
mike said in tears.

"what? why?"
el said shaking.

"this just isn't working out, el. i'm sorry.."

"we are just drifting apart... it's not like it used to be."
mike said, worried that this will upset her. heck he knows it will..

"i.. i don't know what to say.. i need to go."
el said getting up and walking towards the door.

"el wait!"
mike said running after her.

"goodbye mike."
el said while running out of the door and to the cabin. tears falling from her eyes the whole time.

what did she do wrong? why does mike feel like this? she can't believe this is happening. she loved that boy so much.

truth is, not even mike knew why he felt like this. he just did. he hated it..

soon enough she ends back up at the cabin with tears still streaming down her face.

she sat on the couch for hours and cried. she doesn't know what she'll do without him.

hours later she hears hopper's knock. she unlocks it with her powers.

he walks in hoping to see his happy as always daughter. but he didn't. instead he sees her crying on the couch.

"el what's wrong?"
he asks worried.

"i lost him."
is all she said.

hi!! i just wrote something small so i wouldn't go a month without updating

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hi!! i just wrote something small so i wouldn't go a month without updating. i have all my requests written down and are going to start working on those soon babes. school just started and it's already stressful lol so i gotta focus on that too. but i hope you enjoyed this, even though it was terrible lol. bye!!

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