| two | disney world ❤️

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| Mike's POV |
I'm so excited to go to Disney World! I can't wait to take El to the Magic Kingdom. I feel like she's going to love it. Maybe I can ask her to be my girlfriend while the fireworks are shooting at night behind the castle. I hope I can. I really like her. Disney is going to be great!
| El's POV |
Mike said something about Disney World, I thinks that's what it's called. I'm excited for it though. I get to spend time with Mike.    
| T I M E S K I P |
They finally made it to Disney after a long drive. First they went to the hotel to get checked in. Then they went to the Magic Kingdom. El saw these really pretty Minnie Mouse ears and Mike saw how much she wanted them so he bought them for her.
| Mike's POV |
I bought these pretty Minnie ears for El. She looks so cute with them on. I'm planning on asking her to be my girlfriend tonight. I hope I do it. I hope she says yes. I hope it's prefect.
| El's POV |
Mike bought these pretty ears for me to wear. He's so sweet. I really like him. I hope soon we can be more than friends.
| Karen's POV |
(Yes I know, this is different. We haven't seen her in one yet 😂 just go with it lol)
The way Mike and Eleven look at each other is adorable. Maybe they're dating, maybe they're not. I just love seeing those two together though.
| T I M E S K I P |
It is now night time and the fireworks are about to be shot at the castle. Mike is very nervous to ask El to be him girlfriend. But he has confidence she'll say yes. Soon the fireworks begin and El stared in amazement.
| Mike's POV |
She thinks the fireworks are pretty but I think she's prettier. I can't wait for her to be mine. I'm about to do it. I'm about to ask El to be my girlfriend. Here we go! Deep breathes.
"El?" -Mike.
"Yes Mike?" -El.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" -Mike.
"Of course Mike!" -El.
Then Mike did the only thing he thought of doing. He kissed El.
Fireworks shot through the air as the inseparable couple kissed. That was an amazing night for the both of them.
| Mike's POV |
Tonight was the best night I've ever experienced. El is my girlfriend. EL IS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! I can't believe it. And we kissed. Gosh this night was wonderful. Disney world will forever be my favorite place to be.
| El's POV |
Mike and I are more than friends and he did that thing he did to me at the gym that night. He connected our lips. It was great. Disney is such a great place!
| Karen's POV |
The two are officially together. I love seeing those kids so happy. They are an adorable couple.

| T H E  E N D |

(Authors note) did y'all like this? I'm in Disney world right now so that inspired this story. How do you guys like the different set up? I like it so I went with it. Thanks for reading and I'll update soon! Bye! Xoxo

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