| twenty seven | upside down pt. 2

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•part 2 was requested by @HoppersDaughterJane 💘•

if you haven't read part 1 i highly recommend reading it before you read this :))

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a couple years passed. mike had gotten older but he hadn't forgotten about el. he thinks about that girl everyday.

he wonders if he will ever see her again. yes, she promised. but as much as he believes her, he is slowly losing hope.

he would trade anything in the world just to see her again, hold her again, kiss her again.

he was sitting in his basement when he snapped back into reality and realized he was crying from thinking about el.

suddenly, lights started blinking. the only thought that came to his mind was el.

"el?" he screamed out. hoping to see her one more time.


blink. blink. blink.

that's when everything went black. he started crying and screaming.



he couldn't see anything. there was no use in looking.

he looked around but all he saw was a show of blinking lights dancing around his dark basement.

then all the lights turned back on and the blinking stopped.

he looked around and saw the basement he sees every day. nothing was out of place and as usual, there was no el.

he sat back down on the couch and realized that el was trying to communicate with him through the lights.

and he had to find her.

so he walked out of the wheeler house and headed toward the portal in the tree by mirkwood.

as soon as he saw it, he knew what he had to do.

he crawled inside in search for el.

he walked around and had no sign of her. he started to get light headed from the toxic air he was breathing.

but he had to get el.

he kept on walking until he saw an outline.

he saw el.

or did he?

as the figure got closer, it got clearer and mike wheeler realized that he was screwed.

that wasn't el, it was the demogorgan.

he knew he had to run.

as he started running, he started losing breathe very quickly.

he tried so hard not to pass out from the air but he couldn't help it.

he started closing his eyes as he fell to the ground.

he hit the hard ground, passed out in the upside down.

- - -

mike slowly started to open his eyes. but something was different.

he saw el.


"oh great, you're awake."

"we have to get out of here. it's not safe. the air, it's toxic. el we have to get out." -mike.

"what are you talking about silly?"

"the demogorgan. it's after us el. i've been trying to find you. i passed out because of the air. we are in the upside down... aren't we?"

"sweetheart no. we are in your room mike. you were having a bad dream. you were crying. i woke you up for a minute or two but i don't think you remember that. you went back to sleep so i just let you sleep this time."

"that was a dream? i thought i had lost you in the upside down forever. i was searching for you. i was scared el. the lights, they started blinking and i thought it was you but then it quit. that was probably when you woke me up the first time."

when mike said that, he was relieved that it was just a dream but he was also on the edge of crying because of how scared he was that he had lost el.

"it was just a dream. i've got you. i'm here. i'm not leaving."
-el said while holding him.



"how about we cuddle and go back to sleep so you can actually enjoy your nap?"

"that sounds great."

and with that they layed down while holding each other. they slowly drifted off to sleep knowing that they will always be there for each other and neither of them were going anywhere .

i know!! i haven't updated in a while and im sorry but here's a part 2 😂 anyway thank you guys so much for 50k reads!!! that's amazing

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i know!! i haven't updated in a while and im sorry but here's a part 2 😂 anyway thank you guys so much for 50k reads!!! that's amazing. i can't believe we have gotten that far. i hope y'all enjoy this ;)) 😉

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