| ten | picnic ☀️

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I wanna do something with El. Maybe a picnic. Oh yeah! That'd be so much fun, I could bring Eggos for us to eat and we'd just have a great time. I'm gonna go ask her. She might not even know what a picnic is. Oh well, I'll tell her.

Mike walked down stairs and saw El sitting in the blanket fort he made her when they first met. Oh the memories. That was the best night he had ever encountered. For sure.

"El?" -Mike.
"Yes Mike?" -El.
"I was wondering, do you maybe wanna go on a picnic with me?" -Mike.
"Pic-nic?" -El said struggling to repeat
what Mike had just said.
"Yes, a picnic. It's where people go outside on a beautiful day and sit on a blanket and eat together." -Mike.
"Yes Mike. When?" -El.
"Now, if you want to." -Mike.
"Okay, yeah." -El.
"Great. I'll go pack some food and a blanket." -Mike.
"Okay." -El.

Mike packed some Eggos, orange juice, and a blanket for them to sit on. After it was all packed they got ready and left. They went to the woods, can you guess what location in the woods they went to?
They went to the exact spot that the boys found El on the night on November 6, 1983. Surprisingly, Mike remembered the exact spot. I guess he remembered it so well because that's the spot he found the girl he wanted to spend forever with.

They unpacked the basket and set blanket out. El's eyes lit up when she saw the Eggos.

"Eggos!" -El.
"Of course, anything for you." -Mike said blushing.

El just smiled.

They ate the Eggos, talked, and just enjoyed each other's company for the entire afternoon. Soon enough they got up and began to walk home, but they saw an old wooden bench just at the peak of the woods. They decided to sit down and enjoy the beautiful sunset about to show.

There was a beautiful flower growing next to the bench. Mike picked it and handed it to El.

"Look El. Something beautiful for someone even more beautiful." -Mike said smiling at her.
"Thanks Mike." -El.

The sun began to set and oh what an amazing sight that was. All the different  colors of the sky clashing together in the most exquisite way.

"Amazing." -El said while looking at the sky.
"Yeah, amazing." -Mike said while looking at El.

You see, El thought that he was talking about the sky. But little did she know, he was talking about her.

He put his arm around her after a while and she leaned her sleepy head on his shoulder.

They both sat and watched the sun set as their feeling for each other grew more and more with each second spent together.

| T H E  E N D |

Yep this is new ⬆️ but I'm keeping it because it's cute

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Yep this is new ⬆️ but I'm keeping it because it's cute. Anyway I thought this one shot was cute. I hope y'all did too. Thanks for reading. Suggestions are welcome! And bye guys! Xoxo 😊

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