| three | snowball ❄️

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| Mike's POV |
Tonight is the Snowball. I'm so excited to take El! I just hope the boys don't make fun of us. They always do when El and I hold hands or something. If they do, I'm gonna try not to let it bother me, because tonight is mine and El's special night. I'm planning on kissing her again. I hope I do and not just chicken out like every other time I try to.
| El's POV |
Tonight is the Snowball! I don't understand what it is completely but I know I'm going with Mike, so I'm happy.

Mike got ready down stairs while El got ready with Nancy upstairs in her room. Mike wore a nice black suit. El wore a pretty, pastel pink, strapless dress with a headband in her short hair. The rest of the boys got ready at their houses. Jonathan and Nancy are going together as chaperones. (#JANCY)

| T I M E  S K I P |

All the boys arrived at Mike's house so they could all ride together with Jonathan and Nancy. Mike and El are both ready but they haven't seen each other yet. They are both very excited though.

| Mike's POV |
I can't wait to see El. I know she's gonna be beautiful as always though.
| El's POV |
I'm ready to see Mike. I hope he thinks I'm pretty.

Soon El was ready to walk downstairs to see Mike. Mike was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her. He was so excited to see her, and she was so excited to see him.

| Mike's POV |
Here she comes! I'm so happy! She's gonna be stunning.

As El walks down the stairs, Mike's eyes light up and his jaw drops. He knew she was gonna be beautiful but wow.

| Mike's POV |
Oh. My. Gosh. She looks absolutely stunning. Oh my gosh.
| El's POV |
He looks great. So great.
"Pretty?" -El.
"Beautiful." -Mike.
"Beautiful?" -El.
"It's pretty but a lot better." -Mike.
"Oh. Thank you." -El.
They were both blushing and smiling like crazy. They were ready for the Snowball.
| Dustin's POV |
Mike and El are so cute together.
"Are you two lovebirds ready to go to the dance or are you just gonna look at each other a blush all night?"
| Mike's POV |
Dustin is so annoying.
"Let's go then, shall we?" -Mike said while putting his arm out for El.
" We shall." -El said while taking Mike's arm.

| T I M E  S K I P |

They arrived at the dance and went inside. The whole night was so much fun, they all laughed and danced and just enjoyed each other's company. That is until the last dance of the night.

| Mike's POV |
The last dance was a slow song and it was awkward. But I finally got the courage to ask El to dance.
"Would you like to dance El?" -Mike.
"Of course Mike." -El.

He put his hands around her waist and she out her hands around his neck. They bother we're having such an amazing time. The boys were watching with bright eyes from across the gym.

"Mike?" -El.
"Yeah El?" -Mike.

At that moment, El kissed Mike. The whole night he was trying to gain the courage to kiss her. But she kissed him. Mike couldn't believe it.

| Mike's POV |
Oh my gosh. El just kissed me. EL KISSED ME.  I can't believe it. I thought I was gonna make the move. But she did. OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH.
| Lucas's POV |
Woah look at those two. They're cute though, I have to admit.

After the last song, they all rode back home to Mike's house, El and Mike held hands the whole way home with El's head on Mike's shoulder. All the boys were soon dropped off so Mike and El were alone.

"I had a great time tonight El." -Mike.
"Me too Mike." -El.
"I'm glad you did." -Mike.

They were both smiling at each other until it was time to go to bed.

"Goodnight El." -Mike.
"Goodnight Mike." -El.

El laid down in her fort while Mike went up stairs to his room. They both thought about how great their night was this as they both drifted off to sleep.

| T H E  E N D |

I hope y'all enjoyed that. I enjoyed writing it. And also #Jancy for like btw. I'll update soon! Bye guys. Xoxo.

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