| nine | D&D 🏆

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Mike and El were in the basement, Mike was finishing the D&D debate and El was  laying on the couch. After her finished the debate, he called the boys over to play. Today they were going to teach El how to play. They knew it was going to take a while but she was worth it.  Once the boys got there they all sat down and got everything set up. They had explained everything to El but they were still going to play and let her watch.

"Something hungry. Hungry for your blood. Ready to feed on any helpless person to pass by." -Mike.
"Please not the Demogorgan." -Lucas.
"We are so screwed if it's the Demogorgan." -Dustin.

All the boys hit their fists in the table, not wanting it to be the Demogorgan. Mike looked over and saw El. She was scared because of what she had just heard. He was concerned and he knew that she was scared. He was staring at her and not focusing on the debate at all anymore.

"Hey Mike what are you doing?" -Dustin.

Mike completely ignored him.

"Hey El. You okay?" -Mike.
"D-demogorgan?" -El.
"No it's okay. It's not gonna get you. It's dead. This is just a game El. I promise." -Mike.
"Promise?" -El.
"Promise." -Mike.

She settled down and continued watching the debate. Mike smiled at her and grabbed her hand under the table. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Okay lovebirds. That's enough, we have a game to finish." -Lucas.

They were both blushing like crazy but eventually Mike started playing again.

"The demogorgan is after you. Hungry for blood." -Mike.
"I DID IT." -Lucas.
"It falls to the floor, gives one last screech and... and..." -Mike.
"ITS DEAD!" -Will.

They all jumped around the room, happy about the end of that debate. After a while it was time for them to go  home. Mike and El walked them out hand in hand. They all got on their bikes and were about to leave.

"Bye guys." -Mike.
"Bye." -All the boys said.

They all left and Mike and El went back inside. It was time to go to bed.

"Mike?" -El.
"Yeah El?" -Mike.
"Thanks for earlier. You're the best." -El.
"Anything for you El." -Mike said while kissing her forehead.
"I love you El." -Mike.
"I love you too Mike." -El.

El laid down in her for while Mike was going up the stairs to go to his room.

"Goodnight El." -Mike.
"Goodnight Mike." -El.

| T H E  E N D |

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