| seventeen | her ✨

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"Sometimes I feel like I still see her." -Mike Wheeler.
- - -
She is finally back. El. She's back. I love her so much.She got back the other day. I found her at school. I guess she found a portal. But I'm so happy she's back.

When she got back, I gave her Eggos and the biggest hug I've ever given anyone. I was crying, but in the good way you know? I was just so happy.

- - -

"El. I missed you so much. I'll always be here." -Mike.

"I know Mike. I missed you too." -El.

"El can I tell you something?" -Mike.

"Yes." -El.

"I- I love you." -Mike.

"I love you too Mike." -El.

"Promise?" -Mike.

"Promise." -El.

- - -
Then suddenly I woke up by Nancy shaking me.

"Mike wake up." -Nancy.

"W-what?" -Mike.

"You were dreaming about El again." -Nancy.

"That was all a dream?" -Mike.

"Yeah Mike. I'm sorry." -Nancy.

"Nancy. Sometimes I feel like I still see her." -Mike.

"It'll get better. I promise." -Nancy.

I teared up hearing the word 'promise'. Nancy didn't know that El and I would say that. But it still hurt, a lot.

"Mike?" -Nancy.

"Yeah?" -Mike.

"You're crying." -Nancy.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Promise is something El and I would say..." -Mike.

"Oh Mike I'm so sorry. I didn't know." -Nancy.

"It's okay Nance." -Mike.

"Go back to sleep. You need it okay?" -Nancy.

"Okay." -Mike.

- - -

And Mike went back to sleep thinking of her.

| T H E  E N D |

I'm so sorry that it's short

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I'm so sorry that it's short. I ran out of ideas and I'm on vacation oops. But suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading! Bye guys! Xoxo ❤️

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