| twenty four | closet..

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requested by ReddiexxTrash , thanks• 💜

the boys were at school as usual. they decided that they were gonna go home and play d&d today. when the last class of the day ended they all got on their bikes and peddled home fast because of the excitement they had to play this game. yes, mike was excited to play but he was more excited to go see his girlfriend, el.

when they arrived home mike was already half way through the door by the time the rest of the boys even parked their bikes. man was he excited. but when he went to see her, she was asleep.

so he decided to just go play with the boys until she woke up. he didn't want to wake her.

when all the boys got in they got the board out and began to play. as this game died down, lucas thought of something. something cruel.

"we should lock el in the closet until she wakes up." -lucas.

"what why?" -dustin.

"wouldn't that be funny?" -lucas.

"no it wouldn't, that's mean." -mike.

"don't be a party pooper mike." -lucas.

"i don't agree with this, i'm not gonna let you do that to her, she doesn't deserve that." -mike snapped.

"okay okay fine." -lucas said while putting his hands up.

after a while, mike got up to go make some food for the gang. but boy was that a mistake.

lucas got up and went upstairs. he gently picked el up and put her in the closet.

mike soon came back down and sat down to start playing again. he was starting to worry about el, like why was she sleeping for so long. but right as he was about to go check on her, he heard it. her scream.

"el?" -mike said getting up and running to the closet.

"m-mike mike!" -el said between sobs.

"why is she in there?" -mike said yelling at the boys.

"i thought it would be funny." -lucas.

"well it's not, she's claustrophobic." -mike.

"well i have the key and you're not gonna get it." -lucas said while waving the key in front of mike's face.

"lucas give me the key. she's gonna freak out." -mike.

"m-m-mike, i c-can't b-breathe." -el.

"give me the key!" -mike said jumping on him to get it.

lucas started to feel guilty at this point.

mike finally got the key, he ran to the door and opened it. el was hugging her knees and crying, struggling to breathe.

"why would you do that to her!?" -mike.

"i didn't know that she was gonna stop breathing!" -lucas.

"it's still really mean lucas!" -mike.

"i'm sorry!" -lucas.

mike bent down to hug her. she was still very shaken up. he pulled her into his lap and ran his hands through her hair to try and calm her down.

"shh, it's okay. i'm here, your okay." -mike.

"scared." -el.

"i know, but i'm here now. you're okay baby." -mike.

"promise mike?" -el.

"promise." -mike.

after watching this scene, all the boys went home. they thought that those two needed some time alone to calm down. lucas started to feel bad but he should.

mike finally got el to calm down and they got up and sat on the couch. they laid down to watch a movie because mike thought that would take her mind off of things.

he put the movie in and they watched it. they soon feel asleep in each other's arms. and mike kept telling himself one thing....
he's never going to leave the boys alone again.

i hope this is what you wanted ReddiexxTrash

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i hope this is what you wanted ReddiexxTrash . and this is in lower case because i just like it better lol 😂 anyway sorry i haven't updated in a little bit, school just started and i haven't had much time 🙄 but enjoy :))

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