| eighteen | texting 📱

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this was requested by strangereggosx ❤️ thanks so much for requesting.•

Mike started a group chat.
Mike added El, Dustin, Lucas, Will.

Mike: Hey guys.

El: What is this Mike?

Mike: Its a group chat. Dustin, Lucas, and Will should be texting soon.

El: Okay.

Dustin: I'm here.

Will: Me too.

Lucas: Same.

Mike: Okay, now that everyone is here, what should we talk about?

Will: I don't know. You made the chat Mike lol.

Dustin: How about we talk about the Snowball. Mike aren't you taking El?

El: Snowball? Mike?

Mike: Oh yeah. I was going to ask you to the Snowball in a special way but Dustin messed that up.

Dustin: oops.

El: Mike are we going to the Snowball?

Mike: Do you want to go with me?

El: Yes.

Mike: Yay, I'm so excited to show everyone at the dance that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world.

Mike: wait.. you're not my girlfriend. I'm sorry.

Lucas: Ohhh, but you want her to be. That's why you said that.

Mike: ...

Mike: I mean, if El wants to be. But probably not.

El: Mike, I want to be.

Mike: Really???

El: Yes.

Mike: 😊


Lucas: We all knew that this day would come. I'm happy for you guys.

Will: Well I guess Byler isn't real :/

Mike: WHAT!

Will: I'm joking, calm down.

Mike: Thank gosh. You scared me.

El: Byler?

Mike: it's- nothing. Don't worry about it.

El: Okay.

El: Oh Mike, what is mileven?

Mike: Yeah Dustin, what is mileven?

Dustin: Your names put together. Mike and Eleven equals Mileven.

Mike: wow.

Dustin: Hey don't act like you haven't thought about putting your names together.

Mike: ..

Dustin: That's what I thought.

El: I like it.

Mike: Me too El.

Will: Okay so since Mike and El have a name, this whole group needs a name.

Lucas: Dungeon Masters?

Dustin: No.

Dustin: The Van Flippers?

Lucas: What the heck. No.

El: Rude.

Lucas: Sorry El.

Mike: How about, The Losers Club?

Dustin: Yeah. I like that.

Lucas: Me too.

Will: Me too.

El: Me too.

Mike: The it's settled. We are The Losers Club.

| T H E  E N D |

oops this was trash. but the losers club? hehe. I was like PLOT TWISt. Oh and byler, I had to add that 😂 but anyway thanks for the request strangereggosx ❤️ bye guys <3

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