| twenty four | haunted house 🕸

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this weekend is gonna be a very different experience for el. she thinks that it's going to be a normal saturday with mike, but little does she know, mike is taking to her a haunted house.

i really hope el likes this haunted house thing. i don't know how she will react...

"mike?" -el.

"yes el?" -mike.

"what are we doing this weekend?" -el.

"um i want to take you to this haunted house, is that okay?" -mike.

"haunted house?" -el.

"it's this house where there is a lot of creepy things in it and you walk through it." -mike.

"o-okay.." -el.

"we don't have to go if you don't want to." -mike.

"no, we can go." -el said trying to be brave.

"okay!" -mike.

; time skip to saturday ;

mike was getting ready in his room for the haunted house when el walked in.

"mike?" -el.

"yes baby?" -mike.

"are you ready?" -el.

"yeah, but i'm missing one thing." -mike.

"what is it?" -el.

and then mike walked up to his girlfriend and kissed her.

"okay we're good now, you ready to go?" -mike said smiling at his beautiful baby.

"yes. let's go." -el said while looking up at him and smiling like crazy.

then they hopped on mikes bike. with mike pedaling and el on the back with her arms wrapped tightly around him.

after about 10 mins they finally reached the haunted house in hawkins.

mike thought it was going to be lame but when he saw it he started wondering if he could do it.

he choked back his thoughts and tried to act cool with el being there.

"you ready el?" -mike.

"yes." -el said while grabbing his hand and holding it tightly.

as they walked in, both el and mike started regretting coming to this thing.

el was fine until she saw a clown..




"it's okay el. i got you." -mike.

mike was trying to act tonight but he knew he secretly wanted to leave just as much as she did.

"mike?" -el.

"yeah.." -mike.

"can we leave. please?" -el.

"yes of course. let's go." -mike.

as they walked out, they both knew that they were never going to do that again.

they got on mikes bike and rode home.

when they arrived home, they walked inside and sat down on the couch in the basement.

"el?" -mike.

"yes?" -el.

"i'm so sorry for taking you to that. i didn't know that it was going to be that scary.." -mike.

"it's okay." -el.

"do you want me to make eggos and we can watch movies tonight and forget that even happened?" -mike.

"yes!!!" -el.

"okay baby i'll be right back, pick any movie you want." -mike said while walking upstairs.

when mike got upstairs he made some eggos just like he said he was going to. when he got back down to the basement, he saw that el had picked her favorite movie. the goonies.

they've watched it about 63847483 times but mike would watch it as many times he needed
to if it means he gets to cuddle with el.

he sat the eggos down on the table and put the movie in.

he got up and sat down with his arm around el. she was already stuffing her face with eggos.

about an hour into the movie el was starting to fall asleep and so was mike. so he decided to turn the movie off and go to sleep.

he turned it off quietly and layed back down with el on the couch.

and as they fell alseep in each other's arms, mike realized that she was all he needed.

he kissed her head and told her goodnight since he thought she was alseep and couldn't  hear him. but little did he know, she was awake and leaned her head up and kissed him. 

"i love you mike." -el.

"i love you too el." - mike.

and with that, they went to sleep in each other's arms after watching the goonies.

they made each other's worlds better.

hi so i know i haven't posted in a while and i'm sorry but here's some mileven fluff

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hi so i know i haven't posted in a while and i'm sorry but here's some mileven fluff. enjoy 😉

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