| twenty one | too close 🌧

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this was requested by megmax679 , thanks so much. please enjoy!•

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Mike and El were having a basic day at school. They were both at P.E at this time of day. They were playing dodgeball when El felt a little sick. So she decided to go sit down and watch her amazing boyfriend Mike Wheeler play.

She was so proud of this boy until she noticed something, something strange.

A girl, walking up to her boy. El was concerned but she decided to let it go. After a while of watching this girl that she had named Mouthbreather in her head, their team won.

El was so happy and decided she'd go tell her beloved boyfriend congrats. But as soon as she got up to walk to him, the girl she had been watching so closely the entire game leaned in to kiss her boyfriend.

El was not about to have this. So she did the first thing she could think of. She used her powers and threw the girl across the room, hitting her head on the wall.

After doing this El realized that was not the right thing to do, especially when Mike looked at her the same way she looks at him when he eats the last Eggo. It was almost like he was looking at her and saying "you're in so much trouble, you just wait."

El got scared and tried to run out of the school but right before she makes it to the door she felt a hand around her wrist. When she turned around she saw her boyfriend, Mike.

He took her to his bike and didn't talk the whole way home, but as soon as they made it through the door of the Wheeler house Mike made it very clear that she did the wrong thing saying things such as

"Why would you do that?"

"She could have died!"

"Do you even have a brain in your skull?"

"What were you thinking?"

"What's wrong with you?"

But when El tried to apologize and hug him, he pushed her a little too harshly and she fell to the ground and hit her head on the table on the way down.

She stars crying and runs to his room thinking that he was going to hurt her.

Mike knew he pushed her too hard and felt very bad about it now. He decided to go up to his room and apologize for being so harsh.

When he makes it to his room he can't find her until he hears crying coming from him closet. He opens the door to see his girlfriend crying with her knees up to her chest and her head in her knees.

He feels very bad now.

"El?" -Mike.

"Baby are you okay?" -Mike.

"I'm sorry I was so harsh. I didn't mean for you to hit your head." -Mike.

"Are you going to hurt me?" -El.

"What? No baby I would never hurt you." -Mike.

"But you did a second ago." -El.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to baby." -Mike.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for hurting that girl. But she was too close." -El.

"It's okay princess but don't do that again. Okay?" -Mike.

"Okay." -El.

"How about we forget about this and go watch a movie?" -Mike.

"Okay." -El said smiling.

And they ended their day cuddled on the couch watching movies.

Close was never close enough for those two.

| T H E  E N D |

I hope this was what you wanted! megmax679  ❤️❤️

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I hope this was what you wanted! megmax679 ❤️❤️

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