| fifteen | disneyland ✨

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•thanks megmax679 for this great suggestion. i love her suggestions so much!•

Michael Wheeler has always loved Disneyland since he took El. Something happened there that he would never forget.
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Today I'm taking El to Disneyland. I really hope she likes it. I think she will though.

Mike is taking me to this place called D-Disney land. I think that's what it's called. I'm going to have so much fun.

They traveled all day to Disneyland. It took so long, but they both knew that this experience would be worth the wait. They couldn't wait to see all the pretty things, ride the rides, and taste all the delicious snacks.

When they finally got there, Mike payed for both of them. He could tell how excited El was. He could see the excitement in her eyes as she looked at all the different things there were to see.

"So, what do you want to do first?" -Mike.

"That thing." -El said pointing to the Tower of Terror.

"El are you sure? That's a pretty intense ride." -El.

"Yeah. I wanna do it." -El.

"Okay. Let's go then." -Mike said grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together.

They both walked to the Tower of Terror, holding hands. They were both so excited. But Mike just hoped that El liked it. He knew how scary and dark it was, but she wanted to do it so he wasn't going to stop her.

They finally made it to the ride. There wasn't a big line so they were near the front. When they got on the ride El started to get scared.

"Dark." -El said while shaking.

"El. It's okay. I'm here baby." -Mike said while grabbing her hand.

"Scared." -El said still shaking.

"Angel it's ok-" -Mike said but before he could finish his sentence.... DROP!

Everyone screamed as loud as they could when it descended from the air. El was horrified. She didn't know it was this terrifying. 

"Mike!?" -El.

"Baby I'm here." -Mike.

When the ride finally ended, El couldn't wait to get off. They both walked off the ride and Mike had his arm around El because he knew how scared she was.

"Come on, let's go get on some more rides. It'll help you calm down okay?" -Mike.

"Okay." -El.

They get on more rides and have such a great time. El finally calmed down. Mike loved seeing her so happy, but he hated seeing her upset like she was earlier. He's so happy that she's okay now.

After the rides, Mike tells El to pick out any candy she wants.

"Here El, pick out any candy you want. I'll get them for you." -Mike.

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