| thirty one | beach trip 🌞

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it was the summer of 1987.
the close group of friends had decided to go to the beach for the day and stay over night in tents.
it's very hot out, there's an ocean waiting to be explored. so why not?

they were all packed and sitting in mike's basement waiting to leave for the adventure ahead of them.

"so we have everything?"
mike asked making sure they didn't forget anything they needed.

"yes. for the last time. we have everything"
lucas said, clearly annoyed at the boy for worrying so much.

"screw you."
mike fired back at him as they all laughed at the obviously stupid fight.

"who's ready for the beach?!!"
dustin yelled louder than necessary and threw his hands up in the air.

"let's go!!"
max yelled as they grabbed their things and ran out of the door.

the drive up there was just like any other teenage road trip. a lot of snacks and popular music with the windows down.

many miles later, they arrived at the beautiful ocean.

mike was very excited to spend today with el. a beach day with his favorite girl. how romantic?

the couple climbed out of the car holding hands while the rest of the gang filed out behind them.

they all walked out to the sand and laid beach towels out.  everyone else was applying sunscreen while el took her cover up off, exposing her two piece swim suit.

sure, she's worn swim suits around mike before. but they were one pieces, never two. boy was mike in for a surprise..

as soon as he laid eyes on her he stopped dead in his tracks. he always knew his girlfriend was beautiful. but wow, to him she just kept getting better.

"you look.. wow. you look perfect baby."
mike said while trying to pick his jaw up from the sand.

"you've seen me in swim suits before silly."
el said while laughing at her humorous boyfriend.

"yeah but never one like this. man, you never fail to amaze me."
he said.

"well thank you. you're not too bad yourself."
she joked.

"how would you like to go swimming babe?"
mike said, still in awe of his beautiful girl.

"i would love too wheeler."
she said while standing up and grabbing his hand, pulling him in the water.

they were all in the water and enjoying themselves. playing never have i ever while occasionally splashing one another.

mike and el were wrapped around each other practically the whole time. but can you blame them? they were just two kids in love.

after hours of swimming and laying out, they decided to dry off and build a fire. s'mores and a campfire always sounds great.  

they were all sitting around the open fire, sharing stories about past occurrences, laughing at random things, and just enjoying each other's company.

after a while they started to get sleepy so they set up their tents.

they eventually all went to bed, except mike and el. they had been waiting for this moment all day. alone time. they loved their friends, but they loved each other too.

they sat there with arms around each other. thankful that they were able to have nights like this. they don't know what they'd do without each other.

"hey babe?"
el said while looking up at her boyfriend.

"yes beautiful?"
mike said while smiling down at her.

"i just wanted to tell you that i love you."
she said while looking back out at the ocean and lacing their fingers together.

"i love you too baby. so much. i hope you know that."
he said, truly being honest. he was head over heels in love with this girl.

"i do."
she said smiling to herself.

they looked back at each other and leaned in. they've kissed before, they do it all the time. but tonight felt different. tonight was so special. they just wanted to stay in that moment forever.

"we should come to the beach more often."
el said while leaning her head on his shoulder after they pulled back from the perfect moment they had just shared.

"we definitely should"
mike said while leaning his head on hers.

what a perfect way to end a perfect day.

what a perfect way to end a perfect day

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enjoy this trash :)

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