Chapter 1

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It was the night of Phi Lambda Phi's Frat party. A must go to party that would rival all parties on campus that year. Of course, my buddies would not back down or refuse the invitation, so without fail, I was dragged along.

It was the ultimate opportunity to: "Bag a drunken beautiful college chick" they say. Since I am not one to turn away from a gorgeous face and tight shorts, I obliged and joined along for the evening.

We had been there for a while and I drank my pretty share of booze so by this time I'm just way past soberness. In fact, I don't think there was a sober- bone in my body by the time 11 pm rolled by.

I had just finished dancing with a cute redhead when I walked out of the dancing circle past the crowd.

Then I saw her.

I know time stood still. It had to because along with it, I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. Literally.

She was beautiful. Breathtaking. There was just something about her that drew me close like a moth to a flame. More or less like a deer mesmerized by a car's headlights.

A part of me had to get close, but I stood back observing her. Because something as gorgeous as that could not have come here alone. And the thought bothered me a bit. Weird, huh?

If I could explain to you in detail what I was looking at, you would think that I was describing an apparition of an Angel. Or knowing my luck, you would strap me in a stray jacket because of my crazy talk.

She was a mixture of sinful mocha and brown sugar. I just wondered if she tasted as delicious as she looked.

Damn it, this place was getting hot.

She stood alone slowly drinking whatever concoction she had in the cup before her. A few guys sidled up to her, but she sweetly declined whatever they offered. And that gave me confidence. Not that I needed it. Honestly, I didn't, but there was something about her that just had me anxious to get closer.

I saw as another girl sidled next to her and whispered something in her ear then handed her another drink. She refused it at first, but the other girl insisted and then she took it.

She was alone again. I inched closer and at that moment our eyes met.

I was undone.

We were locked in each other's gazes and for that brief moment, it felt like an eternity. Then she gave me a shy smile. Hell, by this time our souls probably met, kissed, married and had children.

Yes, it was that intense.

But to my dismay, as I set out to get closer to her, her friend reappeared and pulled her away. Her gaze held mine as her friend pulled her through the crowd. The hard tap on my shoulder snapped me out of my haze. I looked at my friend Josh and watched his mouth move but heard no words. I felt disoriented and frustrated because I wanted to know her.

I got pulled in every direction possible as girls of all types pawed me up and pulled me to dance. It felt surreal, as if I was not in my body. I needed to get fresh air at this point because the place was closing in on me. Faces, music and warm, sweaty bodies were meshed together everywhere.

I opted to not go through the masses and turned off to find the bathroom instead. I crossed over the sea of bodies tossed and passed out on the floor and made my way to the back.

After gently peeling off an arm that wrapped around my neck, I finally turned the corner in the hallway and collided with another person. Immediately, I reached out wrapping my arms around her waist to steady her.

A Night to Remember~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now