Chapter 2

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I woke up to the incessant ringing of my phone. My eyes gritty and heavy of exhaustion slowly open. My mouth felt so dry like the desert, I could barely wet my lips. I look around and the offensive light from the sun just barrels down into the room making me squint. The ringing came again and I could just barely lift my head off the pillow.

"Oh God!" I moaned, holding my head as I slowly sat up.

I looked around at the unfamiliar room and took in the common decor of Frat symbols and school memorabilia plastered all over the walls.

The phone rings again and I immediately stood up and found my boxers I put them on and answered the phone.

"Yes!!!," Knowing all too well who the caller is.

"Max!!! Where the hell are you? Do you know what time it is?" Amanda my annoying sister drilled into me from over the phone.

I moaned and pinched my nose trying to calm the thumping in my head.

"Amanda, how nice to hear your voice, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" I hinted sarcastically because many of her calls only pester me, badger me and to some extent remind me of my obligations. Daily.

"MAX!!! It's almost 10:00 you're supposed to be here for the Cartwright campaign. The meeting starts in about an hour and dad already did the debriefing. Why aren't you here?"

Shit!!! I totally forgot. I let out a strained breath, knowing I need to rush over there. Downtown traffic is going to suck and I needed to shave and shower.

A slight stirring and moan at that moment caught my attention. I turned to look at very wide eyes staring back at me in. They were familiar.

Our eyes met and focused on one another. All of a sudden Amanda's voice suddenly disappeared. It was so hard to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat. I slowly took in the image of the disheveled beautiful girl before me as she sat with the sheets wrapped around her.

She averted her gaze after looking over me in my boxers. I took it as kind of cute the way she shyly looked away. My eyes never left hers as Amanda's voice over the phone shrieked my name. "Max! Are you listening to me?"

I felt so annoyed at this point that I turned around out of earshot.

"Look damn it, I'll be there, give me 40 minutes," I growled out.

"Fine, not a minute more Max, I'm warning you," she retorted.

By the time I turned around, I was completely floored. She quickly dressed and I watched in awe as she slid on her jeans just in time as it slid over lacy panties that hugged her curvy ass only to rest low on her petite waist. She bent over to get her top giving me the most delectable view I couldn't concentrate on the call. She slid on her blouse and quickly found her phone and looked at it.

She gasped and began frantically searching for something. In a hurry, I ended the call cutting off Amanda and focused on her as she started looking around the bed. Immediately my eyes fell on the shiny object on the floor on my side of the room. I went to it and picked it up. It was the familiar key fob of a Lexus.

"Is this what you're looking for?" I smirked and held it up for her to see.

She froze in her spot and looked at it dangling from my finger. At that moment I got a clear view of her. She was absolutely beautiful. She was hesitant to come closer and I could see she was growing anxious. Her eyes never left my hand. I stepped closer to her and held it out to her waiting for her to grab it.

"I won't bite," I chuckled.

I looked down at her and studied everything about her; the softness of her hair, the smoothness of her skin. Her small nose, her lips kissably small yet plump with pinkish reddish color from nervously biting them. She slowly raised her hands to pick them out of mine and the moment our fingers touched I felt a sudden jolt.

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