Chapter 4

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We decided to talk about handling our situation first before getting further into the design bid with P&L.

I've heard at one time the name of an emergency contraceptive called Plan B that Josh mentioned his girlfriend using a while back when his condom broke. Yes, we guys do talk about these things.

I barely knew anything about it. Although, I did slip once or twice and had sex with Bianca unprotected. Meaningless as it was, she was on birth control. She made sure she took it religiously for the simple fact she detested kids and she never wanted to ruin her figure.

I looked at Kira and I mentioned it. I got her full attention and that when she confessed she thought about it, but the fear of going to the family Doctor. She didn't.

I understood her completely.

I wanted to know more about it so I pulled out my phone and I began scrolling through the screen and found the info on it. I read it out for her to hear and went over the options. The first, called Ella was a no go because we needed a Doctor's prescription.

I could see it in her eyes as she whispered my name and said it was prescription only. She was nervous and so worried. I continued on to the next one.

I read through it all and it was the one she needed. It had to be 3 days after unprotected sex and this was it.

I continued reading about it. Then she said my name again and it just undid me. I looked into those eyes and I wanted to pull her into my lap and hold her close.

She agreed to take the Plan B.

"But is it safe?" I asked, worried and skeptical about it. I read further down that it's not considered an abortion pill. My heart squeezed in my chest.

I have to be truthful right now and say I'm not a happy camper at this moment. For one, she is terrified and it's killing me that I can't comfort her like I want to. And two.... She is agreeing to take this.... pill. I have no idea how it will affect her.

Yes, I'm concerned. For her.

I don't want her to put her life at risk. It was a mistake we both made, but here she is making the decision to right this by preventing a pregnancy with a drug.

I... I want to say, that a part of me deep down, doesn't want her to take it. As scary as it sounds, I admit I don't.

Why? You say. Well, selfish as it may sound, I don't want her to end what could possibly keep us tied together. But I would be ruining her life if we didn't go through with this.

The moment she whispered my name I looked into her eyes.

"I think plan B is our best bet. I have to take it, the sooner the better." She said

Yeah, for who?

When she insisted that she would go ahead and do it now, I wanted so bad to tell her no.

But I agreed and stood to pull her to her feet.

We left the restaurant and I asked Wilson to drive us to the nearest 24hr Pharmacy out of town. I did this to avoid any type of tabloid leak or the risk of us being known and it getting out.

Social media, isn't it great?

The whole ride there I thought it over. I was terrified that this method of undoing what we did was going to end wrong and I couldn't let that happen. I noticed her gaze on me and when I turned to look at her; I wanted to tell her so bad to forget about taking the pill.

When we finally arrived at the pharmacy immediately I got out and approached Wilson.

"Hey, we are going to run in here real quick and get something done, you mind keeping a look out? It's important." I held my breath. Praying he would understand. I would have a hard time explaining this, but it would have to be later.

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