Chapter 22

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Growing up under the suffocating orbit of my life as the last heir to my parents fortune, won me little free reign as a kid.

I was conditioned and prepped for a lifestyle I was born into and not asked for. The life of the privileged has its perks, but also its downfalls.

As time went by my parent's unshakeable love and realization of my nature and maturity, earned me that much needed freedom clearly within defined limits at a young age.

So...I prove myself. By staying out of trouble and making myself as invisible as possible to avoid the necessary measures of being "protected"... More or less watched after.

And now the thought of having to deal with this again was really upsetting.

Max thought he could keep a leash on me or control me at a distance.

For a second, I thought about making both their lives a living hell and just ditching him to piss off Max. Then the idea of grabbing Luke during a dance and raunchily rubbing up on him, then the image of me grabbing Trish's yummy boyfriend and kissing him senseless to piss her off in the process and give Mr. Security something to report about to my overbearing boyfriend. But, I had no such balls to attempt any of that so I restrained my temper a bit.

Besides, his impassive stance and awareness says even if did try to ditch him, like the terminator he'll be back.

I could only imagine what he was thinking, the young heiress and girlfriend or possession of future Magnate Maximilian Chase needs to be protected like a frigging delicate egg.

As I neared my lounge chair and plopped down angrily on it, I noticed he stepped a reasonable discreet distance away as if that's suddenly going to make me forget that he's still lurking around and watching my every move.

"What's up with you short stack," Stacy looked over to me.

My scowl set and arms crossed I stared straight ahead.

"I have a babysitter."

"What for real?" she quickly peered over her chair to scope out my new shadow.

"Oh! Damn, he is hot," she whistled with a moan.

"I wonder how fast he can break in my new mattress," she crooned.

"Geez, Stacy behave!" Dana sighed.

"Hey, it's not my fault the kitty purrs when there is lion in close proximity," she bit her lip, looking over her shade in his direction as she flirtatiously waved to him.

"I thought your dad stopped that 3 years ago," Dana sat up giving Stacy a warning glare before looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, trying to keep from shedding a tear at how angry I was.

"He's been getting threats lately," I lied.

I felt like a scolded child that couldn't be trusted and so embarrassed.

It wasn't such a bad thing in retrospect because there were other details out here considering majority of my peers were children of important people. but, he stuck out like a sour thumb. I mean could he have appointed someone less threatening looking.

"So whatcha gonna do about it kiddo mope around or ignore it and enjoy the weekend," Dana rubbed my shoulder.

The idea I'd been toying with fully formed in my mind.

"Not just yet," I crossed my arms.

"Why not?" She sat to attention now.

"I'm plotting." I crossed my arms before me.

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