Chapter 35

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Two days later


Finally, it was Saturday and yes, you guessed it. It's Halloween.

It's been a quiet 2 days and I had a sense that all was back to normal. I mean we played it cool and all. All day Thursday we didn't see, text or video chat with each other not because of what happened, but because we were so tied up with our individual things, that by the time we finally settled down to actually call each other it was late.

It wasn't until early Friday morning I sent a morning text and she called me back. Her voice touched me in places and did things to me it was crazy.

Over the phone we said our Good Morning and spoke about the day we had and I can't tell you enough I just love her. Our most exciting moments of each other's day is planning when to see each other. Although, I would prefer for it to be spontaneous, this is the way of it. Hey, I'll take it any way I can get it just as long as I actually see her, feel her, kiss her then I'm good.

After my poor negotiation of her showing up at my place in just a trench coat and high heels, I settled for her cheerleading outfit she would be wearing after practice and the promise of a quickie before bed. That's good enough, I am not complaining. Hey, you can't blame a man for trying.

We settled in with a couple of horror movies and fell asleep on the couch. Around the early hours of the morning, I carried her to bed with me.

I was up for most of the morning tying up last minute details on another bid. So, I reluctantly left the warmth of her soft body to come and do some work in my office.

I sifted through emails, memos and letters on the screen. I know it was a Saturday, but my obligations are always flooding my basket. Despite the earliness of the day and being its the weekend Chase Industries was open until midday so I decided to call in to make some schedule changes and fix a memo.

Standing up during the call, I focused on the city below as traffic got thicker and swarms of New Yorkers took to the streets to get their morning started. I spoke and listened to Gladys as she went over the scheduling for next week and made I my changes.

Somewhere into the call I could sense her. I felt Kira before I saw her. I continued the call and answered Gladys as she made her updates and confirmed everything was set. Satisfied, I thanked her and ended the call.

As I sat down and began to type my eyes caught hers over my laptop monitor. I looked up and watched her slowly walk in. Desire rushed through me immediately just looking at her. She looked so enticing standing there.

I threw her a kiss and a wink gaining a gorgeous smile as she came closer.

I sat up and pushed away from my desk and faced her in my chair, leaning back to appreciate the view.

I pat my knee silently beckoning her to come closer. Slowly she padded towards me, shyly twirling the hem of her top and neared my knee then softly slid down on it. It's mornings like these I wanted forever.

She was most definitely a sight to see , freshly washed face, tousled curls and ringlets toppled around her shoulder, her lips plump from sleep, her soft body clad in a lacy tank top and panties. Her lush tits swelling softly beneath the sheer fabric. Petite and built to bring me to my knees. She's perfect in every way.

We stared at each other. It always amazes me how with no words we could say so much. I knew from the moment I saw her, she would be my undoing. I slowly slid her strap down and kissed her silky soft shoulder.

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