Chapter 24

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I was up and about early this morning. I went to dance practice at the gym and met up with the girls. We had to practice hard. It was a big away game coming up and the squad really needed to be on their game. I went home showered and changed into some tight fitting yoga pants and a t-shirt so I could lounge around in.

It wasn't until I got up to raid the fridge when my phone rang. I pulled it out and looked at the screen.

It was Max!!!

I felt a little nervous because I haven't spoken to him at all since I sent him the video. So I stared at the screen for a while. Contemplating to send it to voicemail so I can listen to gauge his tone. To see if he is angry.

But then I should answer. I can't hide from him forever.

So I answered.


"Hey beautiful I hope I didn't wake you," he says. His voice was so calm and mellow.

"No. No it's about 10am here, you're fine champ. What's up?"

"I need a huge favor baby girl," he said with a sigh.

"Sure, what is it?" I stopped to listen.

"There is a file I can't get to on my desktop at home. I don't know if it's off or in sleep mode for too long, but suddenly I'm not able to connect with it. Can you go to the apartment and check to see if it's on at least? I really need it so I can be done here and come home." he said.


"Great, I talked with the doorman and he will let you up as soon as you get there. Wilson will take you there and take you back home." he said.

"O.k. I'm on my way out then,"

"Thanks babe." he chirped.

"Oh Kira?"


"I miss you," he said.

"I miss you more."

"See you Monday?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Ok. Call me when you get the desktop up and running.


I hung up just in time to walk out the door and greet Wilson and we drove off.

We finally got there and I greeted the doorman as he smiled at me and opened the door for me. the elevator, I sort of got this funny feeling as if....I wasn't really supposed to be in there...

Like something was about to happen.

As the bell dinged on the penthouse floor, its doors opened I stepped out and.....Oh God!!!

You ever get to that point in a scary movie where you scream at the screen telling that dumb bitch that's gonna die to run? Well, you would have done the same to me, but the only thing is I was frozen to the spot. Plus the elevator betrayed me, shutting its doors quickly and it ... hauled .. ass....damn it.

So....I took a mild approach to my situation. I breathed deeply and tried to stay calm and I faced the big bad gorgeous Alpha with penetrating silver eyes that caressed every inch of me.

I missed the sight of him so much not even photos of him satisfied me. I wanted to run into his arms and hug him. But, his inscrutable gaze held me to the spot.

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