Chapter 33

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What the fuck just happened?

This was a damn nightmare...

Just moments ago I was enjoying a pleasurable day with Kira. And then this.

I stared at her and watched that sparkling glimmer in her eyes dim the moment Bianca took me by surprise and kissed me. I knew something was up when Kira came to my office, now I know why. But why didn't she tell me?

I pulled away from the elevator and immediately called Wilson and told him to take Kira to my place and make sure she didn't leave. I needed to handle Bianca and then set things straight with Kira.

I walked towards my office and told the secretary to hold all of my calls.

I opened the door and entered. I stared at her trying to understand what part of our last conversation did she miss?. We were done. I told her we were done.

I observed her as she looked out the window.

"What are you doing here, Bianca?"

She slowly turned her head, looking over her shoulder and smiled at me.

"I came to visit. Can't a girl visit her boyfriend," she said, turning her head to look out the window again.

I frowned. "We broke up; I'm not your boyfriend."

I watched her shake her head and laugh with a scoff.

"Oh!!! Please, Max, you're still with that nonsense?" she turned to look at me.

What the hell is wrong with her.

"Look, Bianca..."

"Max... It's ok if you're confused, it's normal to have cold feet, but we will be okay baby," she slowly approached me.

Cold feet!!. Wait....what???

She stood before me and lightly pressed against me. Biting her lips, she flirtatiously glided her finger over my jaw.

My gaze settled on hers. Icy blue eyes hungrily lowered to my lips. A sensualness that I would have happily given into in the past. But...not now and she knew it because she was putting in the extra effort and it was making her look too needy.

I stepped back a bit. I mean is she getting the hint or not that I don't want to be with her. There's no fucking mixed signal here that I know of.

She was incessant in her approach and my face, I know could not have looked more pissed. But, it did not phase her.

"Loosen up, Max!. Is your new girl toy not putting out that you have to put up a face like that?" She teased with a purr.

She was goading me. Playing games I wasn't willing to join in on.

I huffed out a laugh.

"Oh! She is putting out," I grinned enjoying the play of jealous emotion swirling in her eyes as I admitted it.

And I went in for the kill and grabbed her pulling her close until we were nose to nose.

"And every time it's a stellar performance with no need to even taker her clothes off or even touch her. She's just that good," my jaw clenched as she tugged away from me, but I wanted to reverse the tables.

"Ah is it that you don't have a boy toy who puts out for you, Bianca?" I arched my brow.

She laughed with a sneer.

"Only because I haven't put myself on the market baby, but I can guarantee that they will swarm around me like bees if I were available," she pulled away but it wasn't good enough.

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