Chapter 8

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I woke up a little early. As I sat back in bed contemplating my boring day it may be. Iverson & Sons, Inc. was meeting with us today and normally the C/O of the company bores you to death with his meetings. I wish I could have found a way to back out of it.

A little frustrated I tossed my pillow over my head and decided to just take another 10min before I finally get up and face my day.

To tell you the truth, I was thinking about Kira and remembering the night we hung out. My phone suddenly beeped and I pulled it off my nightstand to look at it. I was pretty sure it was either Josh or Amanda ready to bombard me with my whereabouts over the weekend.

But to my surprise it wasn't any of them. It was Kira.

I can't tell you how my face just lit up with her message.

I answered her back and we texted back and forth. I decided to make the move first and tell her I want to take her out to dinner. I couldn't help smiling when she asked if this was a date. And of course it was I wanted her to know that.

She went on to ask if I trusted her with a decision to choose where we ate. I had to smile to myself because I would totally take her to the moon if she asked.

"So.... Say I wanted to eat lunch in Paris". She texted.

I laughed. In all honesty, I have a private jet we can use when we wanted. And if she wanted to eat Breakfast in Italy, Lunch in Paris, and Dinner in Egypt fuck it, for her I will do it.

I told her it was not too bad of an idea only on the condition of if she gave me a Sensual French kiss under the Eiffel Tower. The thought alone excited me.

I just had to play naughty with her and put in foreplay, which was so tempting damn it if she agreed to that then hell I will leave with her now. Screw work today.

We continued texting until we came to the agreement that we needed to be very careful. I know all of this and it is a little frustrating. I mean she will be 18 in 8 more months so we had to play our cards right. I couldn't risk getting caught or getting her hurt.

"Well, if we do go anywhere it would have to be far

away out of town, you know? Paparazzi are everywhere...."

"Yeah, I know beautiful."

At that moment I really did not want her to back down or think that I didn't want this. So I called her instead.

When she answered, her voice alone warmed the blood in my veins. It was sweet with an edge of drowsiness as if she had just woken up.

We talked for a while and I expressed that I really wanted to spend the evening with her.

I felt happy when she said she wanted to spend time with me at my place.

So we agreed my place at 8pm.

It brightened my morning just hearing her voice.

I got up to go take a shower and head into the office. I did a quick shave and dressed.

My mind was totally somewhere else because in a matter of minutes, I jumped into the car and drove downtown until I ended up in front of Chase Industry. I greeted the security guards as I entered and took the elevator up to the last floor.

The morning seemed like its normal busy morning. I noticed that the receptionist wasn't at her desk. So I walked into my office not long after Josh followed me in.

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