Chapter 37

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I sat back looking into the face of the devil incarnate. That's what she was. An evil, vindictive bitch, I grew to despise and hate over the last 2 months. She was proving to be the bane of my existence as she counted off on each finger her demands for her silence.

My jaw clenched tightly as she smugly named her half-wit ultimatum.

I had no idea it would come to this. In the space of 4 months I met the girl of my dreams, fell in love and the imminent threat of losing her was hanging over my head. I had to choose to keep what we had a secret by giving her up. That's not an option.

"You must be fucking insane if you think I'm gonna agree to any of this," I hissed.

I watched her slowly raise the phone and glide through the incriminating photos she had of Kira and I. She had stalked me and shamelessly admitted to it.

"I wonder what her parents would say about this one." she stared at one but failed to show it to me. I would call her bluff, but Kira was involved. I couldn't take that chance.

There was no compromise, no deal or chances in escaping this. Bianca wanted me. It was the only outlet. I would have to agree to break off my relationship with Kira so she would not say anything. I couldn't fathom the idea so I refused. It only upset her more. In my mind, the only thing that I could think of was to stall her. Lead her on for 5 months. I thought of this because, Kira will be 18 in 5 months. Then we are Scott free. No more hiding.

After last night it was what I thought about as I lay awake with Kira in my arms. 5 months was all we needed.

You would think that the idea and all what I planned would have been foolproof. But, it wasn't because Bianca had this planned out I knew she did because she made sure her t's were crossed and i's dotted. It was planned all the way down to the last minute detail because she went a step further. It was the ultimatum I refused to agree to that left everything in the air at this moment and us staring at each other.

Get married in three months...

"You're insane; I'm not marrying you,"

She shrugged as if my answer didn't matter.

I shook my head incredulously because this crazy bitch has really lost touch with reality. I could clearly see it now because no matter what I said it did not phase her.

"It's up to you, you have 1 day to respond," she said before walking out.

If it weren't for the fact that she had the pictures backed up, I would have broken that fucking phone by now but what was the use. I let my guard down. This was all my fault.


I had no idea that this would be the beginning of my worst days to come. Or that the black cloud looming over our relationship was because of a manipulative, vindictive person who won't take no for an answer.

My heart was in my ears slamming away as I had to stare into the eyes of the one person I cherish the most, I adore and love with all of my heart and tell her, either I marry someone else or her life will be ruined.

I had to sit back and hear her whisper the very words I refused to accept. My heart was breaking slowly as her lips quivered and spoke.

"Give her what she wants." Her tear filled gaze rose to mine.


"So what are you saying, Kira?" I shook my head.

I stared intently at her waiting as my fucking chest felt like it was going to explode.

Her beautiful face reddened as she looked down at our entwined hands.

"She is not going to leave us alone Max, she isn't going to stop until you give in. I can't be the cause of you going to jail because of me," her voice shook.

She looked away. That pose of withdrawing slowly began to sneak forward.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What Kira was saying.

"No!!! I'm not giving her the damn satisfaction of tearing us apart Kira. She is not getting away with this." I pulled away to stand and look out the window.

Simmering with anger, I stared out in the distance. Things were getting out of control too fast.

What started out as a simple conversation slowly escalated into something so much more, too potent to explain. What should have been a one-sided decision turned into one of opposition, her tugging to give up and me tugging to hang on.

In no time, I was faced with her impulsiveness to give in and I wasn't having it.  I've come to realize that was too much for her because she was shutting down on me as our arguing became uncontrollable.

I was slowly losing it as Kira cried and refused to understand that I would do anything to keep us together. She was pulling away and I wasn't letting her.

"It's better....," she paused and her beautiful face contorted in agony." If we don't see each other, Max." a sob escaped her lips.

I shook my head. My emotions just like hers crashed around us like an avalanche.

Tears immediately caught in my throat. "You don't get to make that decision alone Kira."

"What do you want me to do Max?" she blurted out with a shaky sob and it was killing me.

"I want you to fight for us damn it, don't give up on what we have," I shouted.

"I am," she yelled back.

"Bullshit, by giving up?"

"It's not that simple, Max," She shook her head.

"It's very simple Kira, you belong to me," my vision blurred as I held back my own tears and rioting emotions.

Then suddenly I watched her deflate, mentally withdrawing and trying to walk away. I should never have yelled at her. I reached for her and felt her resistance; that struggle as she rejected me. "Don't fight me." I growled.

My arms wrapped tightly around her waist as I pulled her tight against me, her delicate fingers pressed against my chest as she stood rigid in my embrace.

"Don't shut me out baby. I love you too much to let you go," I whispered, pressing my forehead to hers.

"I love you too," she hoarsely whispered.

I brushed her hair back from her face. "I'm sorry. For everything. For all you're risking to be with me," her lips trembled as fresh tears fell in heavy droplets down her cheek.

I shook my head. "You're worth the risk and so much more beautiful," I rubbed her tears gently away, then lowered my lips to hers and kissed her. She went lax in my arm. Total surrender it's what I needed from her more than anything.

I have long ago given up trying to figure out why she affected me the way she did. Why she was what I needed to right my days and make me complete. Why she was the center of my world and knowing that, I would do anything to keep her in it.

But.... Little did I know of the threat that lay ahead that would soon shatter my hold on her.

To be continued.....


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