Chapter 17

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1 week later


I finally had time to sneak away from the girls so I could spend time with Max. We saw each other for a short time on Wednesday. I wanted to thank him for the big fat A I got on the test. Things got frisky though when I confessed how difficult it was not to feel hot and bothered remembering the names. That confession earned me a quick make out session on the kitchen counter.

So, now today after I met up with the girls and we went out for breakfast, we caught up on a lot then shortly after everyone peered off to do their own thing, I was excited to know that Max was just getting home as well from a last minute mini conference brunch.

When I arrived, I did the usual by giving him a hug and a kiss then I got myself an Avian Water and went to his room and changed into something comfy. After a while of searching, I found one of his T-shirts. I walked over to the large couch. While he sat at the kitchen island table clacking away at the keyboard.

He told me to give him an hour to finish up so I sauntered off to the couch and plopped down to watch some T.V.

I flipped through channels and landed on one or two movies, then I switched over to Netflix and decided to catch up on The Originals. Season 2 Episode 8 had me glued then shortly after more episodes I found myself unglued.

Now. Have you ever heard of the saying

"An idle mind is the devils playground?."

Well, yeah, my mind was idle alright. I slowly sat up and looked over towards Max.

He was so engrossed in his work, I honestly don't think he remembers that I'm here. Which is a bummer if he didn't? But hey! He is working.

But, looking at him just gave me this shiver. A good one that made heat creep up my neck. The way he held his pencil between his pearly white teeth while he typed. The way he would idly rub his chin when thinking about something. I was totally checking him out and torturing myself in the process.

See, there is one thing you have to know about Maximilian Chase is that when he has his game face on and is tackling these big projects, there is this business tycoonish way to him that exuberates power and dominance. Then there is the non-business like side of him that is kind, loving and playful...

The two packages in one make him extraordinarily enticing.

Now back to my idle mind....

I should not have one.

See, here is where bored little girls get in trouble. And may I point out, I have no clue why mind put me up to this.

But.... I wanted his attention and yes, I should have left it alone. I got impatient and after checking him out still sitting there in his loose tie, white shirt, rolled up sleeves and black Armani slacks. Those gorgeous gray eyes reflecting off the monitor. I was so turned on and gave in to the wicked voice in my head.

By the time I realized it, the deed was done. And the consequences of my action stared back at me with eyes of dark steel that turned darker.


So, you know that prowling look that lions do when they have zeroed in on their prey. do that too. And if they do is the feeling of exhilaration normal or is the zing up your spine from the thought of being captured any good?



Ok. So here is what I learned from my brazen act.

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