Chapter 28

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Two days before Homecoming....

I sat back and stared for hours at the last report on my laptop. Frustrated a bit that the time purposely slowed down on me. I could have sworn I looked at the time and it said 3:20pm like 20 minutes ago.

I blew out a sigh before focusing on this last one I had to do. I had so much to do today before leaving this office and I was determined to get it done. I wanted nothing left undone so I could enjoy my evening with Kira.

It's been a stressful week for us both. Although the campaign is coming along great and working with her again is amazing, I miss our alone time.

Things got hot and heavy four days ago here in my office. I swear she is pure temptation on legs. It was hard not to give in to our desire. I finally got her alone in my bathroom. I know it's not the best place to give in to something so pleasurable but desperate times called for desperate measures and I was so fucking desperate and so was she.

Because she came wearing a skirt. Shit!!!

I can't ask you to picture our heavenly compromised position, but I can definitely tell you the bathroom got suddenly hot and very steamy. I finally had her where I wanted her. The feel of her sweet lips and soft, fragrant skin had my appetite on overdrive. I was so ready to devour her completely until we got interrupted by the secretary, which set me in a sour mood after that because I haven't seen Kira since.

Her mother chose this particular week to bombard her with the planning for homecoming. My baby wasn't at all happy. But, I cheered her up as much as I could given the circumstances. We text more often than anything and she has kept me up to date with her mama drama.. So she calls it. We video chat for a short while last night and I could tell she was exhausted. Her eyes sparkled with the idea of finally being done and being able to spend the night with me because today her mother would be at a Rare Art's auction.

I was just as happy as she was.

The moment I sat back in my chair to give my report a once over before saving it, my cell rang. I flipped it over and looked at the screen a smile formed on my face and I answered.


"Hello Mr. Chase?" a female voice spoke.

"Yes, speaking,"

"This is Ramona from Castile's, I was just calling to let you know that your order has just been delivered and is ready for pickup," she said.

I looked up at the clock.

"Excellent, I will be there to pick it up this evening. Thank you," I informed her.

"You're Welcome Mr. Chase," she said.

I hung up and felt exhilarated and happy. Anxious now more than anything.

I finished off my work, gathered my things and stood from my desk. I left my office and gave last minute messages for the secretary to handle and called Wilson to meet me out front.

I texted my father and told him I was heading out of town for the evening just so that no one interrupts me.


Before going home, we stopped off at Castile's Jewelry and picked up my order. In the car, I observed it and had to admit it was perfect.

I greeted the doorman as we pulled up and I got out and entered the lobby.

Howie the evening front desk clerk informed me with a smile that Ms. Winthrop arrived about an hour ago. I nodded and thanked him as I entered the elevator.

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