Chapter 7

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Two days later

Monday morning

I woke up fully refreshed feeling giddy and all gushy. I know I must be crazy for feeling this way, but I couldn't help it. My mind could not move on from his kiss and I had him on my mind constantly.

All day yesterday I hung out with my sister, although truthfully, my mind was in La la land. I wanted to tell her so bad, but I am afraid of how she would react. So I kept this secret like a devout priest in a confessional. But I ached to tell someone, just anyone. Would I look crazy if I just told some random stranger on the street?

Ugh!!! I know that's not a good idea.

I just sat there lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. The slow rising rays from the sun cast my room in a bright array of color.

I picked up my phone off my night stand and looked at the clock. It was 7 on the dot. A mischievous thought came to my mind as I scrolled to Max's number. I hesitated. But I just had to text him. My nerves were a bundled mess as I began to type.

"Rise and shine sleepy head...."

I sat back, waited and in no time his reply flashed on my screen.

"Good morning beautiful..."

I loved when he called me that.

"Good morning :-)"

"So what are you doing today?"

"Well, I got school and later, after 4 o'clock, I have practiced."


"Yeah, dance practice...."

"Ooh! Do I get a private show?"

"Haha, very funny but no..."

"Come on! Just one, I promise I will behave...:-)"

At this point I couldn't contain my laughter.

"We will see..."

"I'm breaking you down baby, I'm breaking you down (Steve Urkel voice)"

I busted out laughing.


"What about you now, what's on your agenda for today.?.."

"Well, the same ole ....meetings, conference calls

and paper work...lots of paperwork....:-(.."

"Haha. Well, don't go crazy and bust out the streamers Mr. CEO,

I can just hear the excitement in your voice."

"Haha. Well....I have this brown eyed beauty that simply

takes my mind away from it all to get me through the day."

I felt a shiver go through me with his words.

"Oh really!!!! What's she like?"

"Well, she is petite, shy, adoringly sweet with the most

captivating smile and mesmerizing eyes, simply breathtaking.

You just have to meet her...;-)"

I honestly never heard anyone describe me like that. And to have him actually say it had my head spinning.

"Wow!!! She must be amazing?"

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