Chapter 31

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Monday Evening

When I thought my day could not get any more interesting, I stood in awe looking down into the face of my beautiful girlfriend as she chews me out. Yes, you heard right.

Ever since she stormed off the elevator into my living room and followed me into my office, I knew it was going to be a long night. At the rate her anger was escalating we were heading into our second lovers spat.

I took in her now fuming gaze as she reproaches me for what I did and I coolly lean back against my desk and watch her unravel. Did I mention when she is upset and spewing like a volcano, she looks gorgeous.

So...let me explain why my better half is upset. I sent someone to teach Luke or whatever the hell that pricks name is a lesson. Yes.... Although he wasn't badly broken like I wanted he was beaten and given a warning.

"Why did you do it Max?" she crossed her arms before her. The standoffish pose is what I hated the most when she did it. She was on the defensive.

I waited until she was done to answer her.

"He deserved it," it was my answer and my honest opinion and I wasn't backing down from it.

I watched as she gasped.

"How would you have preferred I handle it Kira? Calm and collected?"

My jaw clenched.

She looked away.

"I don't get why you care or why you're upset," I leaned in to look at her.

"I don't care Max, I'm upset because you sent someone to beat him up. What would have happened if it would have been linked back to you or he would have died from his injuries. It would be my fault." she lowered her gaze.

"Your fault!!! not likely. Besides, he needed sense knocked into him, which got results because I bet he didn't go near you today right." I mimicked her stance and folded my arms as well.

"Don't be callous Max, he's 18...,"

"I don't give a damn if he was 50 Kira, he got what he deserved," I snapped cutting her off.

Her features tightened with a frown and she looked away then turned to walk towards the door. It was her sign of shutting down on me and I wasn't going to let her.

I reached for her around the waist and twirled her around to face me.

I shouldn't have answered her that way, but I was getting pissed she was trying to defend him and make excuses for what he did.

I tilted her chin up her eyes filled with hurt and guilt. My jaw clenched because what she should be feeling is anger.

"Let's get one thing straight.

You need to understand where I'm coming from beautiful. He may be 18 but he's been playing a grown man's game way before he turned 18. And in my book if you act like a grown man then you can take a beat down like one. I will not justify my actions of protecting what's mine to anyone. Am I clear?"

Her eyes glistened with tears and agitation.

"Am I clear Kira?" I grounded out harshly.

She yanked away from my hold and stormed off into the hallway. I followed her.

"Kira come back here," I called out to her.

She walked into my room and shut the door. Shit!!!

"Kira! Open the door," I knocked.

A Night to Remember~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now