Chapter 15

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My dreams exploded with vivid images of the moment his eyes darkened over the monitor when I told him I wanted him. I couldn't contain this need to be with him. This carnal desire to feel his skin against mine. I knew he couldn't wait either.

Then when he stood before me every lurid thought and erotic fantasy that swam in my head from the very first day I met him crashed over me. There was an unspoken agreement in the air.

His lips closed over mine and I lost myself in their moist warm depths.

We finally made love and the things he did to me, only proved that the waiting only made it sweeter and intense.

Sometime in the early hours of the morning, he strung my semiconscious body along with a sensual plane of ecstasy as he slowly glided into me with slow soft thrusts. The feeling of his thickness as he impaled me made me moan.

"Christ! Kira, your pussy is so hot and tight, I can't get enough of it." The huskiness of his voice as he whispered in my ear marked the spot as my core clenched and he hissed.

The intense buildup of pressure within me and my haziness couldn't contain this sudden urge to cry out.

His lips closed over mine, but not fast enough as I breathlessly whispered what I wanted.

"Fuck me Max, please." was all I could beg for as I writhed anxiously beneath him.

Hearing those words just made him give in as he fucked me harder, and I held on, feeling an intense orgasm build deep inside me. He bit my earlobe and sucked on my neck as he pushed me toward the edge with him. My hand rested on the smoothness of his ass flexing beneath my fingers as I took him in deeper.

"I want to feel it as a reminder when I walk, just how good you fucked me," I whispered.

"Shit!!!" he growled.

That was pretty much it for him. He grunted as he threw his weight into his thrusts, just hearing him lose it was enough for my core to involuntarily clench him harder as his strokes pulled the force of my orgasm so close and within seconds we cried out in pleasure. We held each other tight as waves of our orgasm crashed into us and finally like feathers floating down to the surface, we fell into some long overdue sleep.


The twirling sensation of long sensual slow sucking at the opening of my core pulled me out of my dreams into heaven.

My hazed induced slumber caught a glimpse of Max's head nestled between my spread legs as they draped over his shoulders. His palms caressed my hips as his tongue swirled deep into me. His gorgeous eyes met mine and I couldn't pull my gaze away. In a trance, I watched as he savored me and relentlessly licked and sucked me until I began to tremble. He slowly closed his eyes, parted me more and delved deeper as if I were the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted, a flavor he craved and was helplessly addicted to.

My fingers glided through his hair and I let out a moan as the satiny-soft smoothness of his tongue touched the right spot. Heat crept up my neck and the slow force of an orgasm came fast, sizzling up my spine, a moan ripped from my throat.

Multiple ripples and shudders coursed through my body as he was suddenly above me looking down at me.

"I woke up with you next to me, and my cock was so hard. I had to have another taste of you." he whispered.

He lovingly kissed my neck and licked my ear. I gasped and moaned. He wrapped his arm around my waist and turned on his back. I straddled him.

Gorgeous gray eyes held a fierce satisfactorily gleam as they roamed over me. He looked so content as he glided his hands behind his head and silently took his fill of me.

"Good Morning, Beautiful," he whispered.

The sight of him like this excited me. And I could tell it excited him too.

"Good Morning," I bit my lip unintentionally and his eyes darkened.

He gently caressed my hips and with a wordless invitation he ground his hips upward. My breathing increased as he did it again.

"You don't know how sexy you look right now. The urge to take you raw is so tempting." he murmured.

I gasped as his erection beneath me twitched. I wanted him to. I wanted him to take me raw. No protection. No barrier.

I know it's reckless, irresponsible and crazy...


All the consequences, aftermaths and repercussions eluded me. Nothing mattered at that moment. I just want to feel him deep inside me, his pulsating erection with no barrier gliding into me. I want to feel every vein, ripple and length of him as it thrusts into my pussy.

As if he could read my thoughts his eyes never left mine as he lifted me up and positioned the tip of his thickness at my opening. I looked down and watched as it disappeared inch by inch into me and it felt so good.

I moved along with his grip on my hips, letting the pleasure guide me. My breasts trembled in front him. My nipples hardened tantalizingly with his stare.

He sat up and wrapped his arm around me. I moaned, cradling his head as he suckled on my nipples. The air around us swirled with the intoxicating scent of our arousal. I rode him harder and harder, grinding my clit into his pelvis.

I gasped, closing my eyes as my climax was building. Max fucked me harder. I gasped for breath, rising up and down with the force of Max's thrusts.

"Don't stop, Max," I whispered breathlessly. "Fuck me!" I begged.

It was a reckless wish, but I needed him so much.

Max cried out in anguish. "Oh! Baby, I __"

"Fuck!!" he cried out.

Max's hands flew to my hips, and he lifted me off of him just in time as my orgasm rippled through me. He began to pump his erection vigorously in front of me. His jaw clenched, his head fell back and he groaned.

I watched as his cum streamed out of him onto his stomach. He shivered a bit. His gorgeous face tightened with pleasure. His breathing labored.

Exhaustion took him as he plopped back on the pillows, his powerful body heaved as I draped myself over him. We were both drenched in sweat and our bodies were like small torches, but he held me close and tight, as we lay together recovering. There was so much emotion running through me it almost hurt, but I was raw and sore and deliriously happy.



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