Chapter 9

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I settled in with her on the couch. I don't know when or how but after getting comfy with her so close my body relaxed. I rested my fingers lightly on her hip and as we began to loosen our rigid pose, the awkwardness fell away and all of a sudden this felt so right. Having her body flushed against mine this way was the best feeling ever.

Where her head rested, it gave me enough to see the movie and still inhale its floral scent. Being petite she barely took up any space on the couch which was perfect.

The scent of her was so intoxicating and sweet; I wanted to caress every inch of her more just to get more of it as if she were a fragrant sachet.

I waited for her response to the movie being I've already seen it. I could tell she hadn't by the way her body responded to certain scenes. I think it was somewhere near the elevator scene where I pulled her a little closer and my eyes began to grow heavy.

I felt her move and sometime after that subconsciously I felt her fingers glide against my jaw. Then her lips lightly touched mine and immediately I grew hot.

I couldn't contain the soft groan that escaped me, but she had me on a precipice of pent up desire that needed to escape.

She cuddled closer to me and my body instantly reacted. After some time, I pulled her closer and buried my face into the softness of her shoulder deeply inhaling her rich scent.

Not wanting to scare her I took my time caressing her as her thigh slowly pressed in between mine and grazed my now hardening erection. Her fingers tightened on my waist and her breathing increased when my fingers found their way beneath her shirt.

I kissed her neck and glided my tongue along its rapid pulse tasting and nipping her soft skin. Her back arched and she let out this soft, sweet moan that had me grinding my cock against her leg by now I was losing my mind.

I wanted her so damn bad. I know I shouldn't. But, when I leaned back and looked at her, desire in the most gorgeous form stared back at me and I wanted all of it. All of her.

To hell with the consequences...

I covered her lips with mine, then our tongues touched ,I had no restraint left whatsoever. In no time I had her beneath me as I devoured her lips and caressed her thighs that wrapped easily around my waist.

Cradled between her thighs, I squeezed and caressed each one as I rolled my hips hard against her. She trembled with a soft whimper. I leaned back to look down at her. She looks so beautiful I could get lost just staring at her. She slowly reached down, undid her pants and I helped her pull them off. It took no delay for her panties, blouse and bra to follow.

Here she was completely bare to me once more and she was all mine for the taking. This time we weren't drunk.

I lowered my head to one breast and took a succulent nipple into my mouth and sucked it softly while playing with the other. It hardened as I tasted it and she cried out.

She arched her back and caressed my neck, whispering my name. I took her lips with mine and positioned myself between her thighs. I braced myself as I pressed forward into her. Damn it, she was so snug, tight and warm I could barely contain myself.

She impatiently began to writhe beneath me while gliding her fingers through my hair. I groaned and began to move. I had to maintain some level of control, but the sweet, sultry scent of her arousal had me growing harder and her wetter.

This was the moment I have been thinking of for so long. This wasn't a simple fucking. was much more than that. I was making love to her. I wanted her with an intensity that was taking away my sanity. Every stroke and plunge had her writhing and meeting my strokes. The things I whispered in her ear won me more of her sweet moans, pants, causing her insides to tighten more around me. This was sensual fucking that was no doubt making her toes curl as mine were doing at that moment.

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