Chapter 20

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Sunday Morning....

I woke up a little early this morning. For some reason I just could not sleep. I lay here for a while next to Max and just relished in the feeling of being next to him in bed. My eyes could not pull away from his devilishly gorgeous face, prominent nose, and chiseled jaw sinfully with delicious lips.

I slowly stood with a shiver walking nude to the bathroom. I washed up, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom and my eyes landed on him on the bed. He looked like a Greek God stretched out with his arm draped over his face.

All six foot two inches of male goodness lay nude for my viewing pleasure and he was all mine. I drew my eyes over the expanse of his muscled abs down to the enticing view of his semi exposed cock peeking from beneath the covers.

I darted my tongue over my lips to wet there dryness as my eyes still lingered there. A sense of need to touch him grew within me. The thought of how he pleasured me with his lips to no end just made my pussy clench and I grew wet.

Heat crept up my face at the image of me taking him into my lips. I wanted to. I was new to this, but not new to the concept. I wasn't totally in the dark of male oral pleasure. I mean the random pop ups online are very educational.

The various scenes that popped into my head had me trembling. Anticipation and arousal had me already walking towards him.

I took my time and slowly crawled between his legs and pulled away the sheet. I took in the look and texture of his cock and I can tell you he was definitely designed for a woman's pleasure. I slowly wrapped my fingers around its girth and stroked it gently before lowering my lips to the tip.

It was warm and soft. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling it was giving me, how my body reacted to this. My nipples grew tight as I sucked him lightly before lowering my mouth further down. It's no secret that this is what men loved no more than women being pleasure the same way. It was erotic and intoxicating.

He began to harden with each lick, suck and stroke of my tongue. My stomach clenched as his hips began to swirl and he began to moan. I lifted my gaze to find hooded gorgeous gray eyes staring at me with a mix of desire and awe and it emboldened me to continue. To do more.

I went further and shamelessly displayed the fact that I was enjoying every bit of this. I held his hips as my lips caressed the full length of him hungrily.

"Ah fuck! Baby what are you doing to me?" he threw his head back and clenched his jaw as I continued.

His pleasure was at my mercy. I wielded the power to take him to heaven and back with just my lips and I was loving it.

I felt his veins pulse as his hips bucked and he sensually rolled them with the motion of my mouth taking in his decadent length.

"Shit....ah Christ! right there beautiful, ah fuck," he said breathlessly gritting his teeth, burrowed his head into his pillow tossing it back and clawing the sheets.

The look of him writhing with need for his release was exquisite.

He leaned his head up once again to watch me and our eyes met and I held his gaze as I lapped at his cock with delicious abandon, owning it. I glided my tongue from the base to the tip in one long, slow stroke savoring his precum with a moan.

"Shit!," he gasped.

I enjoyed the wild eyed look of desire and the way he glided his fingers through my hair, gripping a handful and pulling it lightly. I descended up and down on his length a couple of times more then he lost it.

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