Chapter 27

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After a couple of hours into my visit with Max, I felt revitalized, giddy and happy.

Before we got to Chase Industries I felt well, I don't know...a little off.

I felt that way the moment I stepped into the limo when I ran into my mother on school campus coming out of the office.

Let me pull this whole scenario back a bit so I can explain to you who is Clara Malone Winthrop (on a good day) Mother!!!(When I'm indignant, upset or just argh@$&!;)

I want to scream!!!! mother on any given day is your typical socialite. She organizes or attends ,parties, charities, fine arts fundraisers, exclusive events, festivals and other fashionable events hosted by the upper crust. In other words, the privileged and the wealthy.

I'm not downing what she does. Because it's what is expected of her being the wife of a wealthy man. My mother's flamboyant way of life sometimes becomes overkill for me.

The whole champagne dreams and Caviar wishes just isn't me.

I prefer to stay out of the lime light, draw little to minimal attention to myself and keep the fact that I'm made of money out of the loop. But, when Clara Malone Winthrop rubs her nose in anything, it's opulent, exuberant and too much. I just want a regular homecoming dance...I don't want my mother involved because the tabloids are sure to show up, they follow her everywhere. And she loves it.

Given that said I'm like her project. She is always trying to convince me to wear the latest in fashion. If I leave it up to her, I will be walking around in thousand dollar fashion daily.

It's exhausting. I sat in the limo with her and texted Max, she nagged.

Baby sit up straight...

Stop biting your lip like that.

Hun, did you make your salon appointment with Fabrizio?

When is the last time you went to the country club?

I do wish you would have worn the Donna Karan tunic with the waist pants sweetie...

The whole time my answers were: yes mom, I made the appointment, No its been nearly 8 months........why would I want to wear a $1,795 outfit to school mother?

Sometimes, I just honestly think she is dense. you know my school homecoming dance is coming up. My mother offered to fund it all. The music, decoration, location, and food.

I know I should be grateful. But, along with all of this goodness comes a price I know I would be paying for later.

And that's where she comes up with her elaborate idea for me to sing. Why?

And then she asks Max to chaperone...Why?????

I'm upset bizarre is it that your boyfriend is your chaperone at your dance? WTF!!!WHY???????

As I stared at him and begged through my gaze I know he was put in a tough spot so I honestly don't blame him. And I will apologize for later. I just felt so upset. Before my mother could scheme anything else, I accepted Max's invitation to go out to eat as he nervously asked my mother.

We said nothing on the ride down in the elevator as I was simmering in my own anger and the tears just brewing to spill. In the lobby before we exited the building, I dialed my dad to just completely rally up his support to help me out.

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