Chapter 13

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I lay on my back on my sister's bed, staring up at the vaulted ceiling of her master suite in her penthouse apartment as she chatters away about her vacation in Malibu.

I caught very few words here and there. Daydreaming has its perks and mine just kept going back to the time I spent with Max in the Bahamas.

It's been 5 hours since we arrived. When we landed Wilson picked us up and dropped us off at a car garage downtown where we left in our own cars.

I was hesitant to leave just as he was, we just could not seem to get our good-byes out. When he pulled me in for a kiss, it melted me down to my bones and I had to hold on to him. A part of me wanted to escape with him somewhere, anywhere just to spend a couple of more hours with him again.

We laughed a bit as he pulled away and looked down into my eyes. God, I could get lost in those gorgeous gray eyes.

"I will call you tonight before bed," he said with a smile.

I nodded with a giddy smile of my own as he pulled me closer and lowered his head to mine.

"And we can talk all night until one of us falls asleep," he chuckled.

"Meaning you," I teased.

"Me? As I can recall it was you who fell asleep first the last time," he squeezed me closer before bringing his fingers up to my ribs to tickle me.

I squealed trying to pull away, but he stopped and hugged me tighter to him. The twinkle in his eyes caught me for a second as he grew quiet looking down at me. I can feel my heartbeat increasing as if I took a sudden dip backwards. He caressed my cheek and brushed my lips lightly with his.

"As long as your voice is the last I hear before I close my eyes tonight and every other night after that then, I'm a happy man," he whispered with a grin.

Those words alone made my knees weak.

He kissed me one last time passionately before helping me into my car to see me off.


"Earth to Kira,"

I felt a knock on my face from a plush pillow, my sister threw at me.

Immediately, I blinked twice turning my head to look at her as she scoffed with a laugh looking at me.

"Did you hear anything I said?" she asked.

Embarrassed, I sat up.

"I'm sorry I was a bit distracted, you know with the fundraiser dance" I explained, looking at her face that didn't buy that excuse.

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

"No....that's not it," tilting her head to the side.

I looked away and stood up trying to change the conversation.

"So did you buy any new outfits I can later raid your closet for," I jumped over into her walk- in as she followed me.

I began skimming over the large array of beautiful sweaters and tops she had. Most pieces from Milan others from Paris.

A hand caught me by my shoulder and lightly spun me around to face her ok spill it gaze. Which a part of me was dying to and another part had to take this secret to my grave.

"Kira Malone Winthrop you're hiding something," she stared me down.

See now, here's where we have an issue. My sister knows me so well she knows when I'm hiding something and oh! How I hate that. You would think that I could pull it off so good, but I can't when I flush and the all tell signs of my nervousness kicks in. I fidget...

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