Chapter 12

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The moment we boarded the jet and took our seats, I knew something was off. I looked over to her saw how she was on edge and nervous.

I had hoped she wasn't nervous with the idea of being alone with me for 3 whole days because I would never harm her. I wanted to put her mind at ease so I gently reached for her hand and pulled her towards me onto my lap.

The feel of her this close drove me wild with anticipation just to caress her and pull her closer.

I could feel her rigid pose, her anxiousness as she sat in my lap and it felt a little disconcerting to think I was the cause of her discomfort.

It wasn't until we began to move, that I noticed her worry. She was shaking but tried so hard to hide it. When I kissed her and nuzzled my lips near her throat, the rate that her pulse was beating fast it really alarmed me.

To calm her down, I brought her back to the cabin where there was a bed. Stretched out alongside each other we talked. Finally, when the plane started to take off is when she admitted her fear of flying. I felt relieved that it wasn't me. Then I felt this immense need to soothe away her worries as I pulled her flushed against me and began to rub her back.

The look on her face as adorable as she is, it just made me feel awful to see her panic. I could see her tense up as we tilted on lift off.

I finally thought of something to calm her. I know alcohol was a bit too extreme. Hello. That's why we ended up in our predicament in the first place. But in hindsight, I am head over heels for this girl and I would do anything to keep her safe and happy.

After she relaxed with the whiskey I offered her, she finally fell asleep. Although, I would have preferred her awake to enjoy her company. It has been an hour already into the flight and she is fast asleep.

I lay beside her and all I can do is look at her sleep. She looks so peaceful and serene it just amazes me. I pulled her close and snuggled up close.

I decided to join her for a brief nap of my own.


The brief knock on the door, pulled me from a restful sleep. I felt her shift next to me as I answered.

Through the door, the pilot mentioned that we had landed.

I looked over to Kira and watched as she slowly woke up. The way she just stretched and yawned like a well-rested kitten made me smile she was so gorgeous doing it. The drowsy smile she gave me just riled me up and excited me that I pulled her on top of me and kissed her.

She giggled as I grazed her ribs with my fingers. Mentally noting her ticklish spot, I went on to explore other parts of her. I completely forgot that the plane had landed.

I turned her over on her back and looked down at her. The wheels in my head were churning at the idea to just completely devour her. Those eyes, those lips had me in a complete hypnotic state and were pulling me in like moths to a flame.

The slight tap on the door broke me out of my musings and I let up quickly pulling her up with me. I could see her cheeks flush as she knew just as much as I did that if we weren't interrupted, I would have been all over her.

I held her hand as we walked out of the cabin and stepped out of the Jet onto the tarmac towards the awaiting Limo. I could tell she was curious to where we were and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

I let her get in first and slid next to her while our luggage was placed in the trunk. I laced my fingers with hers and felt as she rested her head on my shoulder.

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