Chapter 6

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It has been an exhausting weird day for me. I went from presenting an important project to spending the evening searching for a day after pill with my... one night stand... How weird is that?

I can't sleep now as I lay in the dark wide awake thinking of a million things, mainly all leading to Maximilian Chase and... His kiss...

I slowly raised my fingers to my lips. I've never felt anything like it. I've never kissed anyone before. Unless you want to count the one in 3rd grade on the playground where I gave Jonathan Humphries a black eye for kissing me. But no, that did not count.

My stomach was in nervous knots when we pulled up to my house and he walked me to the door. When he asked for my number, I was so confused, but then I remembered we weren't done seeing each other yet. We still have a project to work on.

The moment we exchanged our numbers and a bit of the awkward silence between us settled, I noticed him staring down at me. There was this look in his eyes.

His beautiful silver eyes changed to a dark Smokey gray as they stared at my lips. The warmth in his eyes made me tingle all over. In that instant, my stomach clenched and my heart fluttered, then began an erratic race in my chest. Then he stepped closer and caressed my cheek.

The way he looked at me was mind blowing and I couldn't pull my eyes away from his. As if something pulled us closer, I could feel his warmth. God, he was so gorgeous. He leaned forward and stopped. It was that the silent request for a kiss that sparkled in his gaze. I couldn't deny him. I didn't want to because I wanted to kiss him too.

Our lips touched and I was on a rollercoaster ride that pitched 90 degrees south like a bullet train dragging my heart with it. Oh! God!

His lips melted into mine, and then his tongue slipped inside my mouth, pushing, nipping, and circling mine in a slow sensual dance. Fire spread through my body and gathered in my stomach, waiting to erupt like a geyser.

Then he slowly pulled away and I didn't want him to. My legs felt like Jell-O and could barely hold me up. His lips traveled down to the side of my cheek and kissed me. He pulled me into his arms and it felt so right. His rich scented cologne eased my racing heart and I could feel the rhythmic beat of his heart thumping heavily near my ears.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked.

They were just words, but his gentle tone conveyed so much more. Warmth, concern.... caring.

I nodded. "Yes"

When he stood back and looked down at me, a feeling shivered over me. I don't know what it was but it was there and I wasn't afraid of it. I reached in my purse for my keys and unlocked my door. I stepped in then turned to wave goodbye. I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips the happy, euphoric feeling was awesome.

Leaning against the door, I pulled out my phone and scrolled to his name. I hesitated for a while, but I had to text him.

So I began to type.

"Thank you for everything,"

"Anytime Angel, sweet dreams"

"Good Night,"

"Good Night."

Now, sleep is slowly gaining on me as it dawned on me that... considering my first kiss was when I was very drunk and I don't remember it.

This was my first kiss. Correction, this was my First official kiss I recognized being sober. And..... I liked it.


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