Chapter 19

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"Are you ready?" he whispered in my ear.

The waiting had me clinging on the edge of anticipation due to the unknown. The feeling was giddy at best, my eyes cloaked in darkness, leaving my other senses vulnerable to their own abilities of just: taste, smell, feel and hear. I waited after I nodded my head, then felt something cool and wet glide along my lips.

"Open," he nipped my ear softly. I shivered at the feel of his velvety smooth voice rumbling through me.

I opened my mouth and welcomed the now familiar texture and softness and bit down, savoring the sweet and tart juice that burst in my mouth.

I felt his warmth at my back as he sat and waited for me to reveal my mystery fruit.

"Raspberry," I smiled.

"Correct," he playfully kissed my neck and squeezed me tight.

"Ok... Another one," I laughed.

"Ok," he replied.

We were enjoying our day outdoors.

After last night's little disagreement, we made up. He made it very clear last night that it wasn't me he did not trust, but the boys that would be there he didn't.

Sex last night wasn't just sex to make up for our argument. It was more.

Each thrust and kiss meant something and he didn't hold back. He held my gaze as he drove me close to a nerve shattering climax that frayed on my senses. Every erotic promise and dirty desire whispered in my ear added to the tension.

It was a toe curling fuck that had me clawing at the sheets and him swearing. Every plunge was thorough and every withdrawal of his thickness left me without air.

He was relentless with each stroke and he knew it. He enjoyed it. The glittering desire and lust in his eyes said so much as he watched me slowly melt beneath him.

But, what drove me over the top was after he passionately kissed me and left me in a fog, he whispered in my ear with vigorous pumps.

"This sweet cunt is mine," he groaned and made sure I understood as he ground deeper and held me there as he covered my scream with his lips and I climaxed. Breathless, exhausted and floating; I lay there in such a daze I don't know when we fell asleep.


I woke up to a magnificent breakfast in bed. We sat and enjoyed hot coffee, delicious Eggs Benedict, and fruit parfait. By the time we finished, we showered and took off for the day. We walked around town enjoying the small mini market, then sat down for a decadent dish of Tiramisu at an Italian Bistro. Then we went bike riding down to a local dock near the water.

We rented a small row boat and he rowed us all the way out to the middle of the lake, where we enjoyed the cool fresh air and lulled with the minimal current it created in the water as we just drifted by. The day's tranquility was so relaxing.

We finally made it back to the bed and breakfast and enjoyed the rest of our evening with a small romantic picnic out back overlooking the lake. We brought fruits that were in season, chilled Voignier, Tapanade and Baguettes.

I sat between his legs and rested my back against his chest and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. We quietly sat and listened to nature, there were no honks from blowing car horns or the busy city noise we normally would hear, it was just peace and quiet.



I felt content being here with her. We had an amazing day and I wished it would never end.

A Night to Remember~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now