Chapter 26

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It's been a long hair raising morning when I stepped off the elevator into the office. It was chaos since I signed the bid and reported back to my dad before I left Tokyo, it's been grueling.

I had to keep it to myself that I arrived Saturday and told him I got in late Sunday a little after midnight. In other words 2am this morning was the lie.

In truth it felt like it I was exhausted since I got off the jet Saturday, but I wasn't going to let that keep me from seeing Kira.

After she left that evening, I slept but restless its hell sleeping without her. Then she was busy all day with her mother and sister that she couldn't sneak away.

So...2 cups of sugarless coffee later I find myself in a trance clacking away over my keyboard in a caffeine induced buzz. I'm gonna pay for it later I just know it.

I was briefly interrupted by the phone ringing stopped me midway between reading my memo. I pressed the speaker button.


"Mr. Chase there is a Ms. Bianca here to see you and your father is on line 3."

I sat back and briefly exhaled. Lord knows I wish I should have broken up with this woman over the phone because I didn't want to deal with this now.

"Patch my father in and send her through," I said ending the call.

I picked up the phone immediately and listen to my dad while watching Bianca walk through the door.

Leaning back, I observed her while I spoke with him.

"It seems like....Mr. Horushi got wind of the last campaign we did with Winthrop Industries, and they want whomever did the Ad design to do theirs," he spoke.

I smiled to myself.

"You don't mind do you son?" he sounded a little apprehensive.

Not in the least.

I cleared my throat and sat up with a serious frown to pull off the whole nonchalant sound I was trying to convey.

"'s fine. Give me the specs and report I will get it in a bit. Are you gonna let Winthrop know?" I shook my head and chuckled as he gave an exasperated sigh.

"Do I have a choice?" he mumbled.

"I would get Maggie in Planning to do it old man to save the trouble if that suits you?" I offered.

"Yes, please do."

So I ended the call and took into focus Bianca. She sat in the lounge chair opposite my desk flipping through a magazine.

As I hung up, she lifted her gaze to mine with a dazzling smile.

"Hi, Max," she uncrossed her legs, stood and approached me.

I stood up and rounded my desk as she stepped close to me to lean in to hug me. I made it short and stiff not lending myself for misinterpreting anything. She brushed off the indifference with a non-humorless laugh before stepping back to look at me.

"How have you been?" she asked flirtatiously leaning in and straightening my tie.

She was dangerously close. To be honest, she had no effect on me except for the wafting French perfume she wore that I was beginning to taste as it permeated the breathing air around me.

It was nothing like how Kira wore her perfume it was a light scent like a sultry floral mist that clung to her skin. With a deep breath, I was anxious to cut the chit chat short and send her on her way, so I quickly pulled away from her. Then she frowned.

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