Chapter 25

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The moment I stepped off the Jet and into the car I only had one thing on my mind.


I had it all planned out in my perfectly mapped strategy, minute for minute detail and just what I was going to do to this little minx when I get to her.

The idea to lay her over my knee and swat that naughty, delicious ass was tempting.

But, I chose a different approach. I decided to lure my prey to my den. What? You would have done it no different.

13 days away, 5 of which was torture.

I'm getting mine.

When she finally arrived and the doors to the elevator opened, I was more in for a surprise then she was.

I call her beautiful and that's totally an understatement. Try breathtaking gorgeous minx with the face of sweet innocence.

My weakness ladies and gentleman.

In the flesh....

I totally had her where I wanted her. Shocked and nervous.

Those doe eyes that met mine were priceless. Even more when they took in every inch me standing there with longing. God!!! I missed her just as much.

Now let me explain what's rolling in the back of my head while I'm hungrily taking in every inch of my girlfriend's succulent curves.

~Will she run?

~To tie her up or not tie her up?

~Are these walls, sound proof?

Because right now my prey looks very nervous and may be ready to bolt.

So I toyed with her as we talked. I needed to get a feel of where her mind was before I pulled out any surprises.

Our chat was light and to the point. We said our hello's, I pointed out my predicament and the cheeky little minx answered. "I'm pretty sure she had your best interest at heart."

I totally did not expect it. Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?

Finally, after catching her off guard, tossing her over my shoulder and spreading her out beneath me in my bed, we got down to the finer points in our little lovers spat.

Everything I saw in her at this moment forward changed. As I've gotten to know her more and more over the months, it's like her true colors are shining. She astonishes me in the best of ways. She is witty, cunning, beautiful, and shy. The recent boldness, mischievousness, saucy comebacks just ties up the entire package. And I love it.

All of that was proven except for one thing I discovered as I finally had her pinned beneath me is that my worthy opponent doesn't take her independence lightly.

And what I did proved it.

The glossy gaze that held mine, her emotional outburst and the reddening of her cute nose just briefly called off the war.

As if my heart wasn't feeling remorseful as it was she had to ask if I was too angry to suck face with her?

Never in a lifetime.

It's all I wanted to do. It's all I thought about for 13 fucking days.

And when I finally pressed my lips to hers, damn it felt good. This was my cure for my moody disposition. I couldn't get enough of her.

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