Chapter 23

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Well... After that text I figured he got my gift. And he was not at all happy.

Neither was I.

But he proved his point that he wasn't backing down.

And neither was I.

So...I will give you a quick rundown of my just oh so exciting week from start to finish.

Monday~ At school after my message I noticed that my detail increased by two. I was so upset and refused to even step out of the bathroom stall and made it my best effort to avoid them. Thanks to the help of Stacy and Dana I managed to ditch them. Which earned a call 2 hours later I refused to answer and anxious texts I did not respond to.

And no skype call.

I made my necessary adjustments with a text to Christie and with a smile, I continued on my day.

Tuesday~ after yesterday's trick it earned me an embarrassing up close and personal watch as one detail literally stood outside my classroom door, and at lunch right behind me. How embarrassing!.

"Geez, is the threat that bad," Dana asked as one detail ordered that she sit a couple of spaces away from me.

I wanted to cry. But I inhaled deeply and plot my next course of revenge.

Again, Christie was to the rescue with my demands.

4 hours later , 17 missed calls and colorful and promising text messages that not only made me flush, feel eerily nervous but turned me on more than anything. I believe the last one got to me:

"Beautiful when I'm done with won't be able to walk for a week."

Now, knowing me not being one for back chat, shy and demure as ever. Of all days, today... I mindlessly developed a backbone and responded.

"Is that a promise Champ?"

"Very much so, Beautiful,"

"You will have to catch me first...old soul,"

"Oh...I've already given you a head start young heart.

You won't know what hit you "Kireina".....

My sex clenched that instant and cautiously I looked up to the detail in the far corner that suddenly smirked my way.

Why!!! The hell did I answer this man back.

Wednesday~ I have totally.....kissed my soft walls of my vajayjay goodbye. As I scrolled through his colorful and blush worthy sinful messages. I yet again refused to Skype and answer his calls or text him back. I gingerly sat and ate my lunch with my girls while my detail.....had their own detail...courtesy Christie Adachi of Adachi's Security firm... God I need to cut her a decent check.

Thursday~ The waters were still hostile. And yet my butt face neighbor wasn't willing to let it go...So, I pulled the only reinforcement I knew was sure to do the trick. To torture him.

See.....I have come to realize that I'm Max's Achilles Heel. His weakness. His one desire. I've witnessed it. So I'll do what Christie suggested a while back. Pull out the hooker heels and make his mouth water. There is nothing funnier than dangling and flaunting his assets he is trying to protect... and at the moment ......He can't touch....

I bit my lips as I giggled at the destructive sexual war path I just created for myself as I go over my little video I made for him. I did it in a way where he would have to agree to the terms and conditions before it could be viewed. He had to guess the password as well. This was gonna be fun.

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