Chapter 29

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Homecoming Dance

I sat back and read the school policy handbook and Homecoming Chaperon Volunteer form.

Did I mention that I involuntarily signed up for this?

I shook my head at the list of do's and don'ts of a Chaperone and I have to tell you I feel so old right now. Mrs. Winthrop's personal assistant Candace dropped it off in my office today. I honestly didn't think there was much to being a Chaperone, but obviously these rules imply there is.

So let me run by you what's good and what's not.

As per the handbook:

Know the rules...

Arrive on time~ to receive student coming to the dance and showing them in with a gracious smile.

Dress the part~ Homecoming is a formal affair so you must dress thus.

Mingle~ Now is a good time then any to mingle with other chaperones to ensure that you know who to rely on if there are any mishaps.

Be the Wallflower~ Please avoid being the 'life of the party' and out shining the students with your dancing. This homecoming dance is not for you it's for them. Damn it now I can't show off my footloose moves..( Me being sarcastic)

Be Visible~ please do not hover in corners....Make sure all students are aware of your presence and that you are reachable in case there is a need for assistance.

Dirty Dancing~ we are aware of the new and latest dance phase and it has come to our attention that most of the moves are inappropriate. Dancing such as grinding, twerking, inappropriate touching and hint of sexual innuendo in a student's dancing is strictly prohibited. Chaperones catching any student engaging in such acts must tap said student on the shoulder and separate the two or remove them from the dance floor.

Intoxication~ any student or group of students arriving at the dance, during the dance that is intoxicated, have brought or intend to consume alcoholic beverages during the dance must be removed from the dance and a parent contacted immediately. I wonder if a hammered Chaperone is exempt.

Fighting ~our school has zero tolerance for bullying and violence leading to fights. If in any event a fight occurs chaperones are asked to subdue the fight to their best abilities and call the authorities at once for assistance.

End of the dance~ all chaperones must check the premises to make sure all students have left before locking up at the end of the dance.

Check: Bathroom, Halls and parking lot for any remaining students.

Thank you for Volunteering!!!

All of this and pretending I don't know my girlfriend is going to be a ride in the park.... NOT!!!

Damn, where the fuck was my backbone when I needed it!!!....

I had signed it and sent it back with her assistant and placed the handbook and form in my briefcase. It was well past five when I looked up at the clock and left to get ready. In the elevator, I felt my phone vibrate in my jacket. I pulled it out and smiled at the familiar butterfly that popped on my screen.

A photo appeared.

"I look like a butchered Ostrich, there is no way

I'm going to the dance dressed like this,"

She pouted in the picture wearing this dress littered with feathers.

I laughed, shaking my head.

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