Chapter 3

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A gasp followed after I mumbled my shameless act.

"You did what?" Dana squealed in horror as Stacy clapped and squealed with joy.

I shivered at the thought of explaining something that was so obvious. I woke up naked beside a total stranger. I was sore between my thighs and was so drunk I remembered only glimpses of last night. And the odd thing about it was I can't seem to get that guy out my head.

"So was he....You know?" Stacy wiggled her eyebrows with a grin.

Dana gasped and shoved her with a frown. "How can you ask that, Stacy?"

I stared at them both. They continued to argue and the whole realization of it all kicked in. The most important moment of my life happened and I didn't remember it. On top of that, it was with someone I didn't know.

We sat around talking about it, I omitted details about what I did remember. The questions mainly consisted of questions that made me squirm. I felt as if I was being interrogated by a sleazy tabloid with these two.

How did it feel? Did he make your toes curl? Did he kiss good?, Was he fit? And the all-time shameful question that simply had to come out of Stacy's mouth... Was it big?

My blank stare said it all. I was completely too drunk to notice. But I had to look away from their penetrating stares.

"If it's any indication that when I did wake up I was very sore and it hurt." I swallowed.

Stacy gawked with faking as she was going to faint and Dana just stared at me with huge eyes.

I waited for Stacy to elaborate because she wasn't a virgin, she had experience with lots of guys. She wasn't a slut. She just had a short attention span when it came to long-term relationships. You could call her a.... Selective dater... I think. And there were rules she stood by. Like... She would never date a guy from school, never make out with guys at a party too close to home... and she always went for the jocks.

"Of course it's going to hurt the first time kare bear, but afterwards, it doesn't," she plopped on the pillow with a soda in her hand and a dreamy smile on her face.

"Well, if I know any better college boys are responsible and use rubber so at least your safe right?" She shrugged and dug into a bag of chips.

My heart slammed in my chest at that moment and I suddenly felt cold. I quickly nodded for fear of their reaction.

"Of course, he did," I could barely get those words past my throat.

In reality, no we didn't.



Finally alone, I decided to shower.

Closing my eyes, I stepped deeper into the spray, willing for the lingering thumps in my head from my hangover to leave my body and circle the drain at my feet. A shiver wracked through me, and my thoughts shifted to her. I closed my eyes and focused on those eyes and petite body.

Cool water bombarded my clammy skin, chasing away the clinging shadows of a crazy lustful night I couldn't fully remember.

"Shit!" I slammed my hands flat against the cool tile and absorbed the chill of the punishing cool spray into my weary bones. I was such an irresponsible fuck.

I lathered, quickly trying to wash away the guilt, dried sweat, and aroma of sex I'd woken up in. Within minutes I was heading out to the bedroom, where I pulled on a clean pair of boxers and jogging shorts before heading to bed. It was just barely two in the morning before my head touched the pillow and sleep took over me.

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