Chapter 11

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The moment I touched his hand as the music began everything fell into place. As if we were destined to meet at the fundraiser. The way Max watched me dance had my world tilting on its axis. I felt as if we were alone because his eyes were only on me.

As soon as the announcement was made the crowd went wild and the feeling of being praised and applauded was exhilarating. When I turned to look for Max, our eyes met over the crowd and he gave this gorgeous smile then he winked. I felt my cheeks go warm and my face flushed.

I wanted to run to him so badly and kiss him, but, I couldn't. We had to keep up appearances and the fact that we did not know each other on a personal basis. As we returned to our changing room and I got out of the dress and changed back into my clothes I reached for my phone. There was a text from Max that I excitedly opened and read.

"Omg!!! I was just held hostage,"

I panicked and I dialed his number right away.

I listened to the ringing and as he answered it sent a shiver down my spine. Shakily I listened as his velvety voice spoke.

"I was held against my will by the most captivating girl I have ever met tonight," he said with a sigh.

I let out a shaky breath of relief.

"Oh! Really?" I laughed.

"Absolutely, she was pure perfection. She did this seductive dance that drove me wild," his voice deepened and I shivered.

I bit my lip and I closed my eyes, trying at will to control this sudden rush of excitement that came over me.

"Well, I too had a very adventurous night," I replied in a matter fact tone.

"Oh! Do tell," he chuckled.

"I danced with a very gorgeous six foot two Adonis that swept me away with his smoldering smoky gray eyes," I said and he softly groaned into the phone and my stomach clenched.

Meanwhile I spoke to him; the makeup artist had finished taking the pins and flowers out my hair.

"Well, since we both had an exciting time, I am pretty sure all that dancing tired us out. There wouldn't be a chance that you are as hungry as I am? Are you?" he asked.

"I am famished, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"First, I want to know beautiful if you can dedicate a full night to me?" he asked.

I sat silent for a while. And yes, I could spend the night at his place. My parents were away again on a business trip, my sister and her fiancé are in Malibu with his family and my brothers are back on campus for school. So like clockwork, yet again, I'm all alone.

"Yes, I'm all yours Mr. Chase, " I said.

"Ok, So what about Saturday and Sunday, can I have you those days as well?" he added.

"Yup! I'm completely yours for three whole days, what did you have in mind?" I laughed.

"Hmm. It's a surprise. You want to meet me in about twenty minutes at your place?"

"Sure," I said.

"Great! Oh! And pack a bathing suit and some extra clothes for Saturday and Sunday," he said.

Curiosity got the best of me, but I let it pass.

Twenty to thirty minutes later he pulled up in front of my house and we were off to this secret destination he refused to tell me about.

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