Chapter 34

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When I stepped out the car my eyes landed on the revolving doors then on Wilson. He gave me his sweet smile, but with a stern tip of his get in there nod.

I lowered my gaze after he assured me that my prettiest smile, although tempting won't deter him from his job.

"Mr. Chase said to wait for him."

So I entered. And as I stepped into the elevator, I finally felt the overwhelming feeling to cry. Like a slug in defeat, I dragged myself into his room and slid onto his bed. So much whirled in mind. What was he doing now? Why didn't he tell me she was still around?

But so many conflicting emotions bombarded me. I walked over to the kitchen looking for something to drink or eat. My mind and my eyes settled on a bottle of Chardonnay we opened 3 nights ago. I'm not much of a drinker nor am I stressful eater.

I barely nibble on snacks. But at the moment my tightly bound up nerves needed an escape. So I poured one glass. Then a second. After the 4th I had forgone the glass and just tossed the rest from the bottle in two gulps.

Hmmm.... I wonder how fast this will sit me on my ass or give me the nerve to face Max when he comes home.

I needed a warm shower to think. I undressed and walked into his bathroom. My eyes fell on the wide array of shampoos and body washes some mine, some his.

It's funny how all of a sudden, a piece of me can be found even in his bathroom. A toothbrush, my shampoo, my favorite lotion even a drawer he unoccupied for my underwear and pajama bottoms was for me.

So what was I sulking for?

I'm a permanent fixture in his life. He has said it many times. But, Bianca wasn't. And from what he said before, she didn't take the break up well.

I stood beneath the warm deluge of water from the shower head, letting it wash away my worries.

When I got out I dried off and walked over to the drawer and pulled out a pink top and matching panties.

I looked at myself in the mirror and combed my hair. The slow effect of the wine was mellowing me out. And there is one thing I've learned is when you drink and you're emotional, it heightens those feelings. And right now I was feeling overwhelmed and in need of Max.

I could feel the burning of tears in my eyes with the images of her kissing him. And it wasn't a peck. It was a full on wet kiss on the mouth.

I've never felt that type of jealousy before or territorial. I've been jealous of a classmate getting a point higher than me on a test and I'm very competitive. Yeah, I know, pathetic.

But, I've never had to fight for anything in my life. Until I met Max, fell in love with him and saw how Bianca kissed him, I'm not going down without a fight.

When I heard the ding of the elevator, I jumped to attention wiped my eyes and walked out into the living room.

I was nervous. I don't know why. My palms were sweaty and my heart raced wildly in my chest as we walked closer. Silently I looked up into his eyes and I could see he wanted to say something, but it was my turn to speak. To put my foot down and say that I'm not gonna let that peroxide-headed silicone Barbie doll get in my way.

Oh God!!! This wine though.... I knew I shouldn't have drank the whole bottle because now I felt hot and in a good way. And at this moment I must look like a shrinking violet because I suddenly felt that way under his penetrating gaze.

But... when I focused on the floor, the ever incessant mantra in my head combative and indecisive as ever kept playing in my head.

Stake your claim!!!

Stake your claim!!!


You're impetuous and proud...

Take no prisoners...

Wait!!!.... No...I can't be that drastic...

Damn it..!!!!...

I looked up and this sudden rush of arousal and boldness came over me. I never took what I wanted, but I'm doing it now.

It was my boldest move ever...

The moment I pulled his lips to mine I felt a warmth of relief, need, love and desire whirling all the way down my spine to my core. I wanted ever trace of her gone from his lips. My heart leaped with excitement as our tongues touched.

And when his arms wrapped possessively around my waist and pulled me close I clung to him and felt complete.

I love him so much and to lose him now that I have him isn't an option.

I moaned when he sucked on my tongue, leaning heavily against him.

His lips moved against mine, growing wetter and hotter.

We ate at each other, growing wilder by the second until we were fucking each other's mouths, passionately mating with lips and tongues and tiny bites.

I was panting with my hunger for him, my lips slanting over his, needy sounds spilling from my throat.

I felt weak and on fire, fighting the urge to just let him take me here on the floor, let him reverse the role on me like he normally does and taking charge in bringing us to the most pleasurable plane ever. But, I refused to give in. I wanted to show him that I can be just as possessive as he is.

I needed to make my point stick.

I pulled away and stared into his eyes, my heart and pulse slamming in my ears. Grasping for control, I said what I felt.

"Your kisses are mine, Max"

"Only mine,"

And I meant it.

With as much control as I could muster, I walked away and left him there with a shocked bewildered look on that gorgeous face of his.

I think I made my point.....

It wasn't until some time passed after hearing him in the shower that I felt him slip into bed behind me. I didn't have to wait long to feel his warmth on my back and the stronghold of his arm around my waist.

He pulled me close and caressed me, nuzzling his nose against my ear and kissed me softly behind it and I shivered.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the softness of his lips on my skin as he tenderly pressed them over my ear, my neck then my shoulder.

The feeling of the champagne and his touch were two potent weaknesses I was slowly surrendering to. The feel of his fingers gliding down my side, then slowly around my waist to pull me closer had my heart racing like crazy and my core tightening until it ached.

He murmured my name and sweetly urged me to turn around and face him. When he settled and relaxed at my side and pulled me closer he looked down at me.

In the darkness, I couldn't see those penetrating gorgeous eyes, but I could feel it in his voice. Power, lust, devotion, and love.

The deep rumble of his words held meaning and they touched me.

"I won't let anyone or anything come between us." he murmured.

I believe him. I truly do, but something deep down makes me feel like we aren't out of turbulent waters just yet.


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