Chapter 16

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8 days later

It's been a grueling week at work, there was so much to be done. I was already midway through my last memo when my eyes idly roamed over my laptop screen to look at my sexy companion before me.

After that night, we have become closer. We have not seen each other since then or had physical contact due to our hectic schedules this week and trying to keep what we had a secret also complicates things. But, there wasn't a night we did not video chat or talk over the phone during the day.

When she finally stepped out of my elevator, I felt a relief to see her. We fell into a warm embrace, we whispered near each others lips how much we missed each other followed by the sweetest and sensual kiss I could give... that warmed me up all over.

After cooking dinner, we ate and watched television. Then we fell into our normal obligation of her studying and I got back to finishing up last minute work.

We settled in on the living room couch, both on opposite sides our bodies facing each other. Our feet only a few inches apart.

Now, before I justify what I'm about to do, I just have to reiterate that I have been a very. Very. .... Good boy... I have behaved myself and I have not once put my hand in the cookie jar........

In days....

So... would you not agree that I deserve some kind of prize?

Ergo, she sits mere inches from my reach.

I smiled to myself remembering how she changed into my pajama bottoms and did away with her bra beneath her top, then settled in and got comfortable. I loved her relaxed way.

So, I sat back and observed her for a bit. And one thing I've noticed about her other than just how beautiful she is, it's that she has a strong ability to focus, she is extremely detail oriented and has a determination to see things through. She exuded beauty and intelligence. I admire that.

She diligently sat there and studied her flash cards she pulled out earlier. I watched as her eyes scanned over every card and then she would flip it over. She always tugs at her bottom lips whenever she is in a mental snag, she is nervous or just a force of habit that only makes her more alluring.

My eyes idly roamed over her. When I look at her my heart just squeezes and its palpitation increases giving me this rush that's indescribable.

I slowly pointed my toe and glided it down the bottom of her feet. A smile on her lips formed, and then those eyes rose up to mine.

I smiled back and placed my laptop beside me on the floor. She lets out this giggle that is so contagious I chuckled as I crawled above her.

I cradled myself between her thighs and looked down at her.

"Why hello there," she smiles.

"Hello beautiful," I grinned.

We fell into a laugh and I just had to kiss her. It was light and chaste.

"What are we studying?" my eyes settled on the white cards in her hands.

I watched her exhale and with a pouty look she said Medical names for the human body...for her Human Science class..

"Do you need help," I asked.

She nodded and I took the stack of cards and sifted through them. We sat up and we got comfy and I began holding up one card at a time. I showed the word of the body part and she told me the medical name.

A Night to Remember~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now