Chapter 36

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"So you're not gonna give me a little hint?" Max chuckled breathlessly looking up at me as I pinned him down on his back.

I shook my head with a smile.

For the past 20 minutes he's been asking me what my costume is gonna be and I refuse to tell him cause I want it to be a surprise. So because I haven't budged in revealing my secret, he resorted to begging sexily, I nearly caved with the puppy dog eyes, the merciless tickles followed and then the threat of tying me to the bed and having his own trick or treating session nearly did me in.

But... I was saved by the bell... literally..

His cell rang. Which gave me a quick escape. I took advantage of the call to get some thin mint Oreo cookies he bought for us. After eating two I decided to take one last one with me and sit on the couch. I didn't realize he had ended the call until he snatched the cookie playfully from my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me from getting it.

I laughed as he tackled me with one arm and held me flushed against.

"Just tell me what you're gonna be," he chuckled as he struggled to keep the cookie in the air.

"No, it's a surprise," I laughed, trying to get to it. At that instant he quickly shoved it in his mouth and with a triumphant gorgeous smile he chewed it all up.

Shocked, I laughed. "Now I'm really not gonna tell you," I shook my head as he laughed in response plopping on his back dragging me above him. We sobered down slowly and our eyes met. He gently brushed away a strand of my hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Well, at least tell me where you and the girls are gonna be tonight," he asked.

I could see in his eyes the protective streak that made his possessiveness stand out. A part of me didn't like it, but the other half adored it.

I lowered my eyes because it's that stare of dominance that sometimes breaks down my walls of trying to be defiant. His hold on my back tightened a bit. And my eyes rose to his. I tried to get his mind off the question because he might no like my answer. So I lowered my lips to his praying he would forget.

It was hot and delicious. He dominated it like always and lowered his hands to my ass and squeezed it with a groan. He pulled away slowly and kissed my neck gently nipping it. I was starting to forget why I kissed him, until he slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes.

My mind far away and my eyes still resting hypnotically on his lips.

"Kira?" he murmured.

My eyes again met his that now held a gorgeous gleam and knowing grin.

"You're avoiding my question," he said, squeezing my ass again and pressing his pelvis into mine.

I blinked and let out a shaky breath as my insides clenched.

Now, I must admit that I am a sucker for his compelling gray eyes and a bowl of noodles for his lips even now that they are delicious and taste like chocolate weakness and mint...the deal breaker.

"We're going to Webster Hell," I blurted out.

Damn it!!!

I swallowed hard as his gaze held mine. So much was at stake here and the minutes ticked away like if I didn't have a damn urge for his any day now would be helpful.

I nervously sat up and straddled him.

Holding my breath and cursing the eerie silence that followed. Then relief washed over me as he finally spoke.

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