Chapter 21

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This day came sooner than I wanted, but the inevitable had to happen.

We woke up....well, pretty much dragged ourselves out of bed and took a shower together. I tried to make the most of it as I caressed her and kissed away the slight sadness forming in her eyes and on her lips.

By the time we were done and dressed, we gave the room that was our sanctuary for 3 days one last look. I pulled her fingers into mine and lead her downstairs.

At the bottom, we were greeted by Donald and Barbara the elderly couple that owns the bed and breakfast. Last night before bed we decided to grab a last minute snack before the kitchen was closed. Not long after we were willing company to Donald and Barbara as she invited us to sit with them.

It would be rude to decline, so we joined them for warm spiced apple tea with her delicious honey butter scones.

We settled into the warming atmosphere as if it were nothing, the four of us talked about so much. I sat back and admired them both because they have been together for so long.

"63 years of marriage and not a day of regret, lad" he chuckled with a Scottish lilt.

I chuckled as Barbara shyly pinched him for the comment.

I sat back and listened to the history of their love and believe it or not it was amazing. I was astounded at Barbara's life in itself.

They met during World War II can you believe it?

We watched how they lovingly told us how they met. How his eyes lit up describing the angel that took care of him when he was badly wounded, it made us smile.

I watched how Kira smiled at their story. Her reaction at how they lost track of each other for 7years before by chance and the fact that fate wanted them together, they found each other once more.

My chest tightened when she settled deeper into my side and linked her fingers with mine.

When they finally turned their attention on us I felt honored to talk about us. Although we gave knowing looks when asked 'how we met', I watched Kira try to hide her face before saving the day.

"We met at a party," I piped in.

I looked down at her and our eyes connected.

"She took my breath away," the world stopped at that moment. My eyes lowered to her lips and immediately I felt this urge to express what I meant, not giving a damn who witnessed it.

I leaned in and kissed her.

I honestly don't think we were aware of our two couple audience, but it didn't matter at that moment.

When Barbara stood up to put away the plates Kira stood and offered to help. I watched her with the care she had in helping her pick up the plates and teacups. That was what drove me crazy about her, she was amazingly sweet and caring.

As soon as they left an awkward silence fell between us.

I regarded him and narrowed my gaze with a familiar look.

"Thank you for signing that contract of non-disclosure Donald," I held his gaze.

He nodded his head with a knowing look, then checked behind him and looked my way.

"No worries lad, I would have done the same. I understand yer concern," he shrugged. must be thinking what the hell am I talking about. you know Kira and I are heirs to two wealthy companies own by two rivals. My life and Kira's are in the lime light of social media. More me than she because she prefers it that way.

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