Jeonkook's dad

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

Dad was packing. Dad was going to leave. He was going to take my little brother with him. Mom wasn't home. Dad steps outside of the house and I ran to him. I wrapped my little arms around his leg, crying.

"Dad, where are you going?" I asked. "I'm just going to work," he replies. "No you're not! You have your things packed and you're taking Jeonkook with you! I know I'm just a kid but I'm not stupid dad!"

Dad chuckles and bends down so he can be in front of my face. "Of course you're not Joonie. You're a very talented person. But you see, dad really has to leave before your mom comes home."

"Why?" I was confused. "Are you trying to hide from mom?"

Dad gives me a warm smile. "I guess you could say that. Listen, I need you to go back inside the house and stay until your mom gets home okay? Can you do that?"

"Are you going to come back? Can Jeonkook stay?" I wanted to be with my baby brother. Jeonkook was my best friend, even if he was still a baby. I love him.

"I am so sorry, but Jeonkook is going to go with me. You'll understand soon," he answers, avoiding my first question and looks down at the ground with a sad expression. "Here, how about you go take a nap," he says, picking me up with his free arm and bringing me back into the house, towards my room. He rests me on my bed, pulling the covers over me.

He starts to hum a lullaby with Jeonkook asleep in his arms. Soon, I got sleepy and drifted to sleep. When I woke up an hour later, dad was gone. I start to cry again, not knowing what to do.........


Author's P.O.V.

Jeonkook's dad was walking down a road, wondering where he should go. He loves Namjoon a lot, he really does, but whenever he sees the intelligent boy, he feels pain in his chest, in his heart. He couldn't bear the pain and because of that, he decides to leave without telling his wife.

His wife loves him very much, but he knows that she was not completely happy with her life. That was because there was another man in her heart too. His wife had not seen the other man in years, yet she still loves him. She loved two men. Jeonkook's dad, and Namjoon's dad.

That's right. Namjoon was not his son. He was his stepson and looked like his real father. That was why it hurts so much to look at him.

It hurts knowing that his wife also loves another man besides him. He doesn't want to suffer anymore. So here he is, walking down the road, with nowhere to go, and no money. He feels stupid for not planning anything.

How was he going to take of Jeonkook? He doesn't know. All of these thoughts gave him a headache and he stops to rest. Without knowing, he passes out with a little Jeonkook in his lap.

"Excuse me, sir. Sir, can you hear me?" A man's voice woke Jeonkook's dad up. In front of him was a couple, probably in their early 20s.

"Um...... are you alright?," a man with black hair asks him, looking worried.

Jeonkook's dad groans. "Uhmmm...... I think so, thank you."

The 2nd man with orange hair reaches out his hand and feels his forehead. "Yoongi, he's sick! Sir, you need to get better fast. Come with us, we can help."

Jeonkook's dad wasn't sure what to answer because he doesn't know who these people are, but it'll be bad if his health gets worse. He won't be able to look after Jeonkook. Finally, he makes a decision. "Alright. Thank you."

The man with black hair, Yoongi, takes Jeonkook after his dad allowed him to, while the man with orange hair, he learned that his name was Hoseok, helps him get up. They soon arrive at a house. It wasn't that big, perfect for the couple to live in.


(A few months later)

Jeonkook's dad was drinking. He was depressed. He couldn't believe what happened. His wife had already remarried. And yes, it just has to be Namjoon's father. But the reason why he couldn't believe it was because he thought that Namjoon's father was gone forever, not dead, but just gone. He thought that he had given up on winning his wife (she's not his wife anymore though).

He drinks more, not caring about anything anymore. He wants to disappear from the world, disappear from the universe. He doesn't want to exist anymore..................

He wants to die......


Jeonkook. Jeonkook! What about Jeonkook? Thinking about his son made him more upset and he starts to sob, feeling more helpless. He thought that if he leave his wife and stepson, he'll feel better. But right now, he feels horrible.


(2 weeks later)

Jeonkook's dad was standing at the edge of a cliff. It's time. It was finally time. He was going to end his life.

He wrote a note to Yoongi and Hoseok before he left. He wrote that he wants them to take good care of Jeonkook, and to not tell him what had happen to him until he's old enough to handle it.

He loves Jeonkook so much. But he can't take care of him anymore.

"I love you, Jeonkook."

He jumps off, leaving his son behind with no father.


Author's Note: Hello. Here's the first chapter. I'm sorry if it's kind of boring. I wanted to skip this part but then it wouldn't make sense later on. I promise the next chapter will be more interesting. More BTS members will probably appear in the next chapter.

See ya next time!

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