Turn up! Let's Go Party! Or Not...

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

(3 days until the party)

I find myself sneaking for V again today. V needs to know about the baby. He's the other father for sure. Since I couldn't find him at the venue or restaurant, I waited for V at his apartment. While waiting, I remember what happened a few days ago.


I'm pregnant.


No! Male pregnancy is so rare though! I threw the second test in the garbage. I don't want this stupid baby! I'll be doomed if this baby is born! But I refuse to have an abortion. How would I get rid of this child? Adoption?

I soon decided that I'll try to talk to V again since he's also the baby's father. He might want to keep the child. If he keeps the baby, I won't need to take care of it then. I know I sound horrible, but I don't like this baby! He or she might ruin my whole life!

Oh my goodness! What about Namjoon?! And his parents?! What will they think? Will they kick me out? Will Eomma and Appa still accept me if I go back to them? I'm scared...I only had sex once and I'm now pregnant! It was only ONE mistake that wasn't suppose to happen. I don't deserve this! I'm going to see V.

*End of Flashback*

"Leave," a voice brings me back to the present. V looks angry as he points at the exit for me to leave. Remembering that there is life inside me, I walked towards him. "V, I really need to tell you something, PLEASE," I plead and he crosses his arms. I reach for his hand but he moves it away. "Please, V. Let me inside so we can talk. This isn't just about me and you now. There's another... person involved," I said. He keeps glaring at me so I begged him.

Just when I'm almost at the point of giving up, he slumps in defeat and opens the door to his apartment, letting me in.


(A Few Hours Later)

Namjoon's P.O.V.

"Father!" I called out as a saw him at the airport. He smiles when he sees me and mother and comes to us. Mother hugs him. "Namjoon, how are you?" he asks as he also gives me a hug. "I'm great! I'm glad your finally back home," I said and he nods. After getting his baggage, we drove home.

Father wanted to sit on the passenger seat because he wanted to talk with V, who was driving. Mother and I sat behind them. I didn't pay attention to their conversation as I looked through my phone. Jimin texted me.

'You can fire Jungkook. I'm not doing this anymore'

I grew furious. He can't just say that now! Especially since I already made up my mind! He's going to be mine no matter what! Trying to keep my cool, I texted back quickly and took deep breaths and looked out the window to distract myself. I can't blow up now that father's back.

I'll talk to Jimin when I can.


Jungkook's P.O.V.

When Jimin told me everything about him and Namjoon, I became mad. I threw almost everything in my room while Jimin tries to stop me.

"WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS NOW?!" I bellowed. He flinched when I turned to him. "I-I already t-told you. You'll be jobless if I refuse," he stammered quietly.

"Give me your phone," I commanded as I held out my open hand. He was confused but gave me his phone anyway. "What are you doing?" he asks with worry.

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