Omen, Ring Pops, and Ice Cream

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

Keeping his eyes focused on my face, he licks his lower lip. My lips quivered in response.

He leans in closer with his half-lidded eyes until I can feel his hot breath against my cold lips. There was very little space between our lips.

I closed my eyes and waited for V to do something. I waited for something to happen........

V brushed my cheeks with the soft pads of his thumbs. I peeked through my eyelids. V's face was still very close to mines. "Stop crying so much. Namjoon's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay," he says softly before pulling away. I exhaled. How long did I hold my breath? Why did I feel so disappointed when he pulled away?

"Here," V gives me a small water bottle. I take it and took three big gulps. V signals for me to follow him back to Namjoon's room. We were halfway there when someone shouted, "V hyung!"

V stops abruptly and turns around. I wasn't paying attention so I bumped into his chest. He gently turns me around by my wide shoulders to see the person.

"Oh. Hello, Seokjin," Jungkook bows. I waved back at him. "I heard what had happened to Namjoon. He's alright right?" he asked with his eyebrows furrowed. V explains the situation to him as I stare into space.

"Where's Jimin?" I finally ask when the explanation ended. "Jimin? He's with Namjoon right now," Jungkook replied. V and Jungkook start to chat about something else again and I stayed by V's side, not listening. Mother-in-law is probably on her way here now.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

I was laying on a comfortable couch. Where am I? I find myself sitting up and looked around the room. It's so messy yet so artistic at the same time. There were many different colors surrounding me. Books were spread out everywhere and picture frames hung on the colorful wallpaper. I lay back down and closed my eyes. When I opened them a few seconds later, I was in a different place. Well, not really. I was floating in the air with some kind of green smoke or mist around me.

I felt as light as a feather. No, I felt lighter than that. I took in deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

The green mist began to clear up and a silhouette appeared. I could move my arms, legs, and head. Other than that, I'm paralyzed and still floating in the air. I turned my head left to the person again.

What? Why is Jimin here? Jimin was also floating in the air. In his hand was a red apple and there was a loose blindfold on him. I turned to my right this time and saw Jungkook's face.

He stares at me with no expression as green paint (it looked like paint) slowly run down his face from his right eye as if he was crying. I turned back to Jimin and the blindfold on him slid off, revealing dark blue paint running down the side of his monotonous face too. He looked above.

I followed his gaze up and caught a glimpse of black feathers. What was that? I tried to search where the feathers came from but the green smoke comes back and Jimin and Jungkook disappears into thin air.

I wait for the smoke clear up again. I gasped when it did because this time, I see Seokjin. He slowly turns his head to look at me sadly. I tried to say something but a soft cracking noise stopped me. Seokjin's smooth face was cracking. He reaches his hand out to me. I stretched my arm out as far as I can to hold Seokjin's hand.

Right before our hands touched, black feathers swirled around Seokjin. When the feathers were gone, Seokjin disappeared with it.

An organ plays in the distance and I see a man hidden under a silky curtain. The curtain rises and reveals a man with a bare back. He turns to look at me. The lights were dim so I couldn't see his face. He looked so familiar though, especially his blonde hair. The only feature I could see was his lips. His lips curved into a smirk directed to me. Before I could even process what was going on, black wings appears on his back and spreads out. The mysterious man stands up and flew away into the darkness, leaving black feathers behind.

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