Without You I Am Nothing

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

I couldn't breathe. The words that I didn't want to hear hit me hard. The silence that followed after was deadly. I couldn't form any words. I didn't expect this at all. I didn't expect a certain person to have romantic feelings for me.

"Seokjin, please say something," V pleads, not being able to handle my silence. I coughed when air starts to enter my lungs again. Moving away from V slightly, I think about what I should say. His eyes didn't leave me. His gaze made me feel more nervous.

"What do I say?" I asked dumbly. He takes my hand again. "You can tell me how you feel," he suggests. My lips trembled. "V, I have Namjoon," I avoid telling him my true feelings.

V has been there for me when I've gone through rough times. I don't want to see him in pain. He's my friend.

"I'd treat you better. I'll love you more than he will," he offers but I refuse. I don't like V as a lover. I only like him as a friend. "V, no. I love Namjoon, not you," I said and he stiffened. Oh no. I wasn't careful enough. I shouldn't have said that. That may have been too harsh.

"Well, guess what?" his voice had a hint of anger in it. I pulled my hand away from his. "He doesn't love you," he says slowly, hurting me slowly. I stood up from the fountain. "Don't say that," I tell him shakily. He stands up too and turns me to face him.

"Please Seokjin, just give me a chance. You won't regret it," he says, not backing down. I'm confused at angry at the moment. "Stop lying. I know you don't love me," I lied. I know that he did indeed love me but I was only trying to convince myself that he doesn't. Pain spread like fire over his face right after I said that.

"I'm sorry-" I apologized but was interrupted. A pair of warm lips were pressed against my own lips. I choked on air and immediately pushed V away. "N-no," I stuttered out. I took a step back as he took one forward.

He holds my head firmly again and connect our lips again. The kiss was deeper this time. I gasped and panicked. I tried to speak to him but my voice was muffled from the kiss. I tried to push him away again but he tightened his hold on me. So I bit his lip, hard enough to hurt but not enough to draw blood.

He shouts out in pain, pulling away from me. I pant as he checked to see if he was bleeding or not. When he finds out that his lip was alright, he steps forward again. I tried to run. But being the awkward person that I am, I flail my arms around, making it too easy for V. He grabs my flailing arm with no problem and pulls me back to him once again.

The third kiss came and I did my best to get out of it. It clearly didn't work out, so I ended up letting V kiss me for as long as he want. I know I shouldn't have given up, but I was too tired and sad to do anything about it. When V pushes his tongue into my mouth, I whimpered. My arms stayed still by my sides. I refuse to wrap them around him.

I felt numb. A single teardrop trickles its way down my face. V noticed this right away and wiped the tear away with his thumb while keeping his lips on me. I'm out of breath from the kiss but I didn't care. The lack of air could make me pass out. I want to pass out. Maybe if I did, I'd wake up and find out that this is all just a bad dream.

But I didn't pass out unfortunately. V finally pulls away from the kiss. I got all of the air that I had needed back. I also wiped my lips, hoping that the unfamiliar taste will leave. The tingling feeling was still there though.

"Do you believe me now? I was not lying about being in love with you. Or do I have to do more to convince you?" I finally felt something bloom inside me when he said that. Anger. Pure anger was all I felt. I gave him one hard push. I didn't care if he was going to get hurt.

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